
The Callisto annotation tool was developed to support linguistic annotation of textual sources for any Unicode-supported language. Information Extraction (IE) systems are increasingly easy to adapt to varying domains, and by using machine learning techniques, this process is becoming largely automatic. However, adaptive/adaptable systems require training and test data against which to measure and improve their performance. Hand annotation can be an arduous task, but a well designed user interface can greatly ease the burden. This is the function of Callisto.

Callisto has been built with a modular design, and utilizes standoff-annotation, allowing for unique tag-set definitions and domain dependent interfaces. Standoff-annotation support, provided by jATLAS, allows for nearly any annotation task to be represented.

The modular design of Callisto allows it to be extended with user interface components specific to a domain. Default tag editing capabilities are provided through a highlighted text display, and tag attribute tables. As domain specific extension components are developed, they may be integrated into the core of Callisto, to become part of the standard suite of available components.

Callisto is written in Java, taking advantage of its portability, and language support. Java v1.5 or greater is required. Java 6 is recommended, except on Macintosh, where Java 5 is recommended.  Callisto has not been tested with Java 7.

Callisto is no longer being actively supported, and is provided as-is.  The Callisto users mailing list is not very active, but you may be able to get some help there.


Version Released! 2009-07-03

A new release of Callisto is available for download! This is identical in content to the prior 1.5.2 release but has been compiled for use with Java 5, and with less debugging output to the console which may have been slowing down some operations. This version will work with Java 5 or Java 6 and is now recommended for all users.

Version 1.5.2 Released! 2008-10-21

A new release of Callisto is available for download! This release includes updates to the SpatialML task, improvements to the default SGML importer and exporter, and fixes the problems Callisto had working with some newer versions of java.

Version 1.5.0 Released! 2007-11-13

A new release of Callisto is available for download! This release adds autotag and collection tagging features to the core, and improves ligature handling. A new task for markup of spatial locations is included (SpatialML).

Version 1.3.0 Released! 2005-12-19

A new release of Callisto is available for download! This new release of the core includes several usability enhancements.