---------------------------- The Callisto Annotation Tool ---------------------------- (c) The MITRE Corporation, 2003 Installation and User Directions Version 1.0.8 Sept 10, 2003 Overview. The Callisto annotation tool was developed to support linguistic annotation of textual sources for any Unicode-supported language. The initial development of the tool by the MITRE Corporation was funded by the U. S. government. The primary development team consisted of Chad McHenry, Robyn Kozierok, and Laurel Riek, with contributions from David Day. Design and interface guidance was provided by Lisa Ferro, Janet Hitzeman, Marcia Lazo, Marc Vilain and David Day. The project leader for this effort was David Day. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Contents. I. Installing and Running Callisto A. Java 1.4 or later B. Installing Callisto C. Running Callisto D. Installing Tasks Modules E. Language Support II. Using Callisto A. Callisto Features 1. Main Window 2. Annotating Text 3. Selected vs. Swiped vs. Highlighted 4. Selecting and Deselecting 5. Changing Tag Extents 6. Overlapping Tags and the Inspection Panel 7. Word vs. Character swiping 8. Context Menus 9. Text Palette and Default Action 10. Tear off Tabs 11. Font Size 12. Foreign Texts 13. User Preferences 14. Annotation Highlights and Task Preferences B. Ace Annotation Task Tutorial 1. Opening files for annotation 2. Saving annotations 3. The Callisto Interface for ACE 4. Sample ACE data C. Known Bugs and Limitations 1. Saving annotations to APF. III. Feedback and Support IV. Copyright and License V. About the name "Callisto" ---------------------------------------------------------------- I. Installing Callisto. Callisto is implemented in Java. To run Callisto on any platform, install Java 2 Runtime Environment 1.4 or later. This can be obtained for free from http://java.sun.com/ for all major computing platforms. Callisto is distributed as a single compressed archive containing all the necissary Java archive files (names ending in '.jar'). Additional task modules may be distributed with the main archive, or as separate compressed archives. Callisto may be installed anywhere on your computer you choose. We refer to that directory as the $(CALLISTO) directory. Tasks may be distributed with the main archive (in a subdirectory "tasks"), or as separate compressed archives. Tasks are separate jar files which Callisto will automatically load. Callisto will recognize valid task files in the installation "tasks" folder (a directory named "tasks" immidiately next to the Callisto.jar file), or in your personal "tasks" folder ($(HOME)/.callisto/tasks). Here is how you can install and run the compiled version of Callisto on various platforms: A. Install java 2 Runtime Environment version 1.4 or later, available from . B. Uncompress the main archive to some location on your machine. The top level .jar files must be kept together but may be placed anywhere. We'll refer to this as the $(CALLISTO) directory. C. To run Callisto, Execute the "$(CALLISTO)/Callisto.jar" file. 1. Windows 95, 98, ME, 2000, XP, MacOSX: Double-click the Callisto.jar file. (You can also run Callisto from the Windows or Mac command line as described for Sun/Linux, below.) 2. Sun Solaris, Linux: At a shell prompt, cd into the $(CALLISTO) directory run java, invoking the Callisto application, like this: $ java -jar Callisto.jar D. Install a task module by placing it's .jar file in the appropriate "tasks" directory and it will be available automatically when Callisto starts up. There are two tasks directories "installation" and "personal". The installation tasks directory is named "tasks" in the $(CALLISTO) directory. $(CALLISTO)/Callisto.jar $(CALLISTO)/tasks/MyTask.jar The personal "tasks" directory is in "$(HOME)/.callisto/tasks" and is in a different location depending on your computers architecture. Personal task directory are "$(HOME)/.callisto/tasks", where $(HOME) on various systems is: Windows 95, 98, ME These systems consider "C:\" the $(HOME) Windows 2000, XP Each user has a personal directory in "C:\Documents and Settings\$(USERNAME)". Solaris, Linux, MacOSX: These system simply use the $HOME variable in your environment. Mac users cannot see ".callisto" using the Finder, and must use the command line. Tasks in the personal tasks directory will supersede those in the installation tasks directory if they have the same identifier (Each task has a hard coded ID which is independant of the name of the .jar file). Most users will find it easiest to install tasks to the installation tasks folder, though where an installation is shared, individuals can choose to test new versions of Tasks by using the personal task directory. E. Language Support Java, the language in which Callisto has been written, can render any UTF-8 file for which your computer has the appropriate fonts. Java 1.4 provides default Fonts for English, most European languages, and Arabic. If you are having trouble viewing texts in the appropriate font, try first to view this same file from your web browser, setting the character encoding as appropriate. If this succeeds and you are still having trouble getting Callisto/Java to render the text file as appropriate, please contact us (see section III, below). Not all languages are supported by the default font. Callisto will automatically attempt to recognize most CJK documents, but will not do an exhaustive search of all fonts. In the "Format" menu, select "Format->Font->Auto-Detect Font" to search all fonts for the one with the best support of the current document. If this is still not appropriate, you can manually select the font of your choice from the "Format->Font" menu. Note for users of Windows 95, 98, 2000: The following is from the microsoft web site: http://office.microsoft.com/assistance/2000/OSetUpForLangs.aspx Multilanguage system support in Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows 2000 1. On the Windows Start menu, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel. 2. Do one of the following: - In Windows 95 or Windows 98, double-click the Add/Remove Programs icon, and then click the Windows Setup tab. - In Windows 2000, double-click the Regional Options icon, and then click the General tab. 3. Do one of the following: - In Windows 95 or Windows 98, click Multilanguage Support in the Components list, and then click Details. Then select the check boxes next to the language you want to use. - In Windows 2000, select the check box next to the language group you want under Language settings for the system. 4. Repeat step 3 for each language you want to use. II. Using Callisto. Callisto represents all annotations using the Atlas formalism, and Callisto has been developed on top of the NIST implementation of this formalis (see http://www.nist.gov/speech/atlas/ for more information on jATLAS and Atlas). The Callisto architecture is designed to facilitate the customization of the tool for multiple tasks by inserting "task modules." The designers of these task modules will be free to tailor both the interface components and the types of data formats to which the annotations are stored. Callisto ships with one task predefined: the ACE annotation task incorporating mentions, entities, relation mentions and relation entities (see http://www.nist.gov/speech/tests/ace/index.htm for more information on ACE). If you are interested in having Callisto customized for a particular annotation task, please contact us (see section III for contact information). A. Callisto Features NOTE: Callisto is still under active development, and although basic functionality is fairly well defined, expect future versions to evolve. While every effort will be made to keep documentation up to date, please bear with our discrepancies. When in doubt, feel free to contact MITRE with questions. 1. Main Window. Callisto's main window is broken into two parts, the 'Main Text Pane' on top, and the 'Editor Pane' on bottom. The editor pane is generally customized for the annotation task at hand, while the main text pane is expected to remain fairly constant. The text in the main text pane cannot be edited, only annotated. 2. Annotating Text. To annotate text, swipe the text of interest, and click the desired 'New annotation' action from the context menu or by using the text palette/default action (See below). The new annotation will become the single selected annotation (see Selecting and De-selecting below). 3. Selected/Swiped Text vs. Selected Annotations. Callisto provides visual indicators of annotations on regions of text (by changing the associated background color). To create a new annotation on a given portion of text the user must "swipe" or "select" the desired region of text. This selection of text *also* provides a visual feedback to the user. Both of these kinds of visual feedback we refer to generally as "highlighting." The user of Callisto needs to understand the distinction between selected/swiped text and selected annotations. A 'selected annotation' will appear in the text with black/white highlights above and below. 'Swiped text' or 'selected text' is what most editors and browsers refer to as 'selected' text, created by clicking mouse-button-1 (usually the left button) and dragging over some text to 'highlight' it. When we use the term 'highlight' we generally use it to refer to text which has either of these kinds of non-standard coloring, such as visible annotations or swiped text. 'Highlight' is an ambiguous word in Callisto, and we try to use it within context. To 'de-swipe' or 'de-select' text, simply click in an area of the text pane with no text, or press the escape key (while the main text pane is active). Different actions are available at different times depending on what annotations are selected, and whether or not text is swiped. This is reflected by changes in the context menus and Text Palette (see below). 4. Selecting and Deselecting. More than one annotation can be selected at a time. An annotation automatically becomes the single selected annotation immediately after it has been created from text. Select a different annotation by clicking the left mouse-button over it. Additional annotations can be selected by holding the SHIFT key down while clicking other text annotations with the left button. To de-select annotations press escape (you need to do this twice if text is also swiped) or simply select a single other annotation. 5. Changing Tag Extents. When text annotations are created, all of its extents are set to the same values. As in the case with ACE EDT Mentions, some text annotations can have multiple extents. To change an extent of an annotation, simply select the annotation to change, swipe the region of text you wish the extent to be, and click the appropriate 'Modify' action in the text palette, or context menu (see below). If there is only one extent (as in RDC Timex) there will be only one Modifier option. For multiple extent tags (such as EDT Mentions) there will be one modifier for each extent. Note that there may be special handling operations associated with such actions. For example, for EDT Mentions changing the head extent will always be associated with a check that the new head extent is contained within the full extent, even if this requires changing the full extent at the same time. 6. Overlapping Tags and the Inspection Panel. When annotations overlap, it can be very hard to tell what annotations exist on that part of the text. The annotations in the text panel can be inspected by moving the mouse cursor over an annotation. At the bottom of the main text a gray 'panel' will display a text representation of whatever annotations are under the mouse. When more than one annotation exists at a point, each will each appear on a separate line. To bring an annotation to the 'front', from behind, press the tab key, while the mouse is over the overlapping tags in question. 7. Word vs. Character swiping. Different languages can have vastly different glyphs and concepts of tokenization. To accommodate, Callisto allows text to be swiped in units of characters or words. The word segmenter is a modified version of the standard Java WordBreakIterator which breaks hyphenated words into multiple tokens. Change the Swipe style (either Word or Character) from the Callisto MenuBar: "Edit->Text Swipe Mode->..." 8. Context Menus. Right-click on items will often bring up a specialized pop-up menu of actions available for the item under the cursor. Swiped areas of text, selected annotations, and rows in tables, all have context menus. The main text pane's context menu duplicates the actions provided in the Text Palette (see below), providing a separate means of working, depending on the annotator's preferred style. 9. Available Actions and Default Action. The 'Avalable Actions' tool is a floating window that shows the actions available to the main text pane, as buttons. The 'default action' is activated by clicking the middle mouse button in the main text pane. Buttons in the text palette duplicate the text pane's context pop-up menu (see above), with a small round toggle button next to each, indicating which is currently the default. Actions will become disabled depending on what the annotator is doing at any given time (see Selected vs. Swiped above), and if the default action becomes disabled, clicking the middle mouse button will have no effect. 10. Tear off Tabs. Some annotation tasks use multiple tables in tear off tabs. These tabs can 'float' separate from the main window. To tear off a tab, click the 'floating window' icon in the tab you wish to tear off. Floating windows are automatically reattached by closing them. Floating windows remember their positions between annotation sessions. 11. Font Size. The user can quickly change the font size in the main text pane from the Callisto MenuBar "Format->Font Size->..." 12. Unicode Texts. Java has the ability to display most languages of the world which have character sets in the Unicode standard. You must however have fonts installed on your computer to view these other texts (see the Install section above). Callisto takes advantage of this by choosing the most appropriate font for the text being annotated. Currently Callisto can only annotate files with UTF-8 or US-ASCII text (which is a proper subset of UTF-8), although we intend to handle conversions from other character sets in the future. If Callisto fails to recognize a font which should be rendered Right-to-Left, you can quickly change the orientation by selecting "Right-to-Left Orientation" in the Callisto "Format" MenuBar. 13. User Preferences. The user can set various user preferences in the 'Preferences Dialog' which appears by selecting "Edit->Preferences..." in the Callisto MenuBar. 14. Annotation Highlights and Task Preferences. Each task defines it's own preferences and annotation highlight colors. These can also be edited in the preferences dialog. In the lower portion of the preference tree you see an item for each task known to Callisto. Each task's editor panel includes a table to edit the highlight colors it knows of. B. ACE Annotation Task Tutorial 1. Opening files for annotation. There are three ways to begin annotating a file: 1) File->New will create a new annotation file for a raw data file 3) File->Open will open an AIF file previously created by Callisto. 2) File->Import will use a Task specific mechanism to convert from some other data type to the task specified Currently, there is one importer built into Callisto: the RDC Task defines a single Importer for the ACE Pilot Format (APF), All data annotated by this version of Callisto are saved in AIF format. Tasks may also define Exporters, which would convert to an external format of the Tasks choosing. Note that when loading an APF file, the "signal" file (or "source document") annotated by the APF stand off annotations will be a separate file. This source document file annotated by the APF is indicated within the APF itself and must (obviously) be present in order to perform annotation. The APF2AIF conversion process that happens automatically when loading an APF file is able to find the name of this source document file. Since the source document file is specified without any directory prefixes, it is assumed and required that the source document is located within the same directory as the APF file being opened. The APF2AIF conversion process then creates a raw text file (called $(source-document).txt, where $(source-document) is the name of the source document annotated by the APF, *not* the APF file itself). In order to load annotations created by an earlier session with Callisto, one needs to load the AIF file associated with those earlier annotations. Thus, even if one specified a raw text file "foo.txt" as input to an earlier Callisto annotation session, all the annotations associated with that session will be saved in an AIF file (for example, "foo.txt.aif"). To see and update these earlier annotations one must open the AIF file ("foo.txt.aif"). Since AIF, like APF, is a stand off XML annotation format, there re mechanisms within the AIF file that refer to the original raw text file (referred to in the ATLAS annotation model as the "signal"), so Callisto will be able to retrieve this original text file in order to properly display it along with the annotations on that file. (See the bug/limitations notes below on moving or transporting AIF files.) To make it easy to revert to earlier versions of a set of annotations, Callisto generates backup copies of the annotations files that are saved separately from the primary named annotation file. The format of these backup files is *.aif.$(integer).xml, where $(integer) takes on ever increasing values as new versions are saved to disk. The user can select in the preferences window how many previous versions are to be maintained at any given time. 2. Saving annotations. To save your annotation, you must choose a file name which will be recognized as AIF, having an extension as listed above (*.aif, *.aif.xml, *.aif.*.xml). Once saved, do not move the signal file. Callisto uses standoff annotation, and enforces a 'no change to the signal' policy that includes the signal's location. If the signal file is moved in any way, (even if the annotation file moves with it) you will no longer be able to reload the annotations (see Known Bugs and Limitations #1 below, for more information). This restriction can be surmounted by carefully editing the AIF file itself. If you need to do this, please contact MITRE. 3. The Callisto Interface for ACE Upon opening a file for ACE annotation in Callisto, one is presented with a main text screen in which the raw text of the original file is displayed. At the bottom of the main window are a number of distinct "sheets" that can be displayed in the same space by selecting the appropriate "tab" indicating their contents: Mention, Entities, Relations. These tables are used to display the various kinds of ACE annotations. A useful layout is to "tear off" the Entity and Relations tables to enable them to be placed in a separate location on the user's desktop. This can be done by clicking on the icon (looks like two overlapping rectangles) immediately to the left of the tab labels. Another useful "default" layout selection is to select (check the box) of the "Text Palette" option underneath the "Edit" pull down menu. Text in the main text viewing window can be selected by swiping the mouse while depressing the left button. The default behavior is to have the tool itself automatically select words at what it deems are word boundaries. If this default behavior interferes with sub-word selections, the user can change this preference from the "Selection Mode" option underneath the "Edit" pull down menu (changing it to Character mode). Selecting text does not itself create a mention annotation. A mention annotation is created when text has been selected and then either (a) the right button is selected and an appropriate action is selected from the pop-up menu, (b) the desired action is selected directly from the "Text Palette" widget, or (c) the user presses the middle button, in which case the default action associated with the "Text Palette" widget (indicated by the black circle button in the right hand column) is taken. It will often be useful to have the default action be "New Mention", which will enable the annotator to only rarely be forced to use either the text-centered pop-up menu of actions or the text palette actions. Mention annotations can be selected by clicking on them (by default the most recently created mention is the current selection). When selected, a small line on top and below the annotated text appears to indicate that it is the selection mention. If a given bit of text has multiple mention annotations, the user can place the mouse directly over the multiply-annotated text and hit tab to "cycle" through the various co-extensive annotations. Creating a mention creates two phrases at once that are linked together: the "full" extent of the mention, and the "head" of the mention. A new entry in the Mentions table is created in which the various attributes of the mention are displayed explicitly. By default the head and full extent of a mention are co-extensive. To change the extent of either the head (the usual case when a modification is necessary) or the full extent, one swipes the desired text to create a new selection, then either (a) clicks the right button and selects the "Modify Head Extent" entry of the pop-up menu, (b) selects the same entry from the free-standing "Text Palette," or (c) clicks the middle button if it so happens that the user has selected "Modify Head Extent" as the default action in the Text Palette window (indicated by the black circle to its left). Attributes of mentions besides their textual extent can be modified directly from within the mentions table. To create an EDT entity, one selects a row in the mention table or selects a mention annotation from within the text window pane, and then clicks right to get the pop-up window. This will present "Add to Entity" and "Create new Entity" as two options. If one selects "Add to Entity", the tool expects the user to immediately follow that selection with a left mouse click on the row in the entity table that indicates the entity to which the mention should be attached. A similar action, but with a different action selected, allows one to add a selected mention to a relation (either as an Arg1 or Arg2 filler. The other attributes of entities and relations are set just as in the mentions table --- these values are all drop-menus that are set by clicking on the cell and selecting from the pop-up menu. 4. Sample ACE data. Some sample ACE data is provided in the CallistoRoot/callisto/data/ACE/ directory. C. Known Bugs and Limitations As with most software products there are bugs and limitations that have eluded developers and testers alike. Time constraints also play a factor in the decision to ship with known issues. Callisto is still uder heavy development, and your feedback is welcome. Here are a couple of the glaring problems you should be aware of. 1. Saving annotations to APF. In this version of Callisto, annotations can only be saved and retained persistently in the Atlas Interchange Format (AIF) files, though annotations can be imported from both AIF and APF (ACE Pilot Format) file formats. This version of Callisto can annotate files that include SGML as well, but the SGML will not be converted to Atlas annotations viewable by the user. These limitations will change soon. In future versions of Callisto, there will be support for generating APF (ACE Pilot Format) as well. Additional formats to be incorporated in Callisto include: in-line XML (for certain kinds of phrase-level tagging); relational databases to support very large collections of corpus-wide annotations; simplified AIF for text signals in which all text anchors or regions are specified directly (without recourse to indirect linking mechanisms). III. Feedback and Support Feedback is an important part of making Callisto the useful, intuitive tool we hope it will become. If you find bugs, omissions, shortcomings, glaring inconsistencies, nice things, useful new features, or innovative capabilites, please share it all! :-) Callisto has an external presence (http://callisto.mitre.org) that is the focal point for online documentation, and mailing lists. Please join the mainling lists there to recieve announcements and discuss issues with Callisto. For direct questions on how your group can support further enhancements of Callisto, contact David Day: Dr. David Day day@mitre.org 781-271-2854 The MITRE Corporation M/S K309 202 Burlington Road, Bedford, MA 01730-1420 Bug reports and technical questions can go to David as well, or any of the main developers: Chad McHenry Robyn Kozierok Laurel Riek IV. Copyright Notice Callisto Annotation Tool License Except as permitted below ALL RIGHTS RESERVED SOFTWARE LICENSE The MITRE Corporation (MITRE) provides this software to you without charge to use for your internal purposes only. Any copy you make for such purposes is authorized provided you reproduce MITRE's copyright designation and this License in any such copy. You may not give or sell this software to any other party without the prior written permission of the MITRE Corporation. The government of the United States of America may make unrestricted use of this software. This software is the copyright work of MITRE. No ownership or other proprietary interest in this software is granted you other than what is granted in this license. Any modification or enhancement of this software must inherit this license, including its warranty disclaimers. You hereby agree to provide to MITRE, at no charge, a copy of any such modification or enhancement without limitation. MITRE IS PROVIDING THE PRODUCT "AS IS" AND MAKES NO WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AS TO THE ACCURACY, CAPABILITY, EFFICIENCY, MERCHANTABILITY, OR FUNCTIONING OF THIS SOFTWARE AND DOCUMENTATION. IN NO EVENT WILL MITRE BE LIABLE FOR ANY GENERAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, EXEMPLARY OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF MITRE HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. You accept this software on the condition that you indemnify and hold harmless MITRE, its Board of Trustees, officers, agents, and employees, from any and all liability or damages to third parties, including attorneys' fees, court costs, and other related costs and expenses, arising out of your use of this software irrespective of the cause of said liability. The export from the United States or the subsequent reexport of this software is subject to compliance with United States export control and munitions control restrictions. You agree that in the event you seek to export this software you assume full responsibility for obtaining all necessary export licenses and approvals and for assuring compliance with applicable reexport restrictions. V. About the name "Callisto" Under the auspices of the DARPA TIDES project, MITRE (http://www.mitre.org/), NIST (http://www.nist.gov/) and LDC (http://www.ldc.upenn.edu/) began working together to define a new annotation formalism and related infrastructure tools to encourage the interchange of linguistic annotations on a wide variety of "linguistic signals" (text, audio, video, multi-modal signals, etc.). The result was ATLAS, which is an acronym for: Architecture and Tools for Linguistic Analysis Systems (see http://www.nist.gov/speech/atlas/ for more information on ATLAS). Of course, Atlas is also one of the gods of ancient Greek mythology. Subsequently NIST developed the jATLAS implementation of the ATLAS formalism, and defined a new type definition language for ATLAS, which they called MAIA. In Greek mythology, Maia is one of the seven daughters of Atlas, or Pleiades. In keeping with this theme we have named our text annotation tool after another Greek mythological figure, Callisto. Callisto consorted with Zeus (after he tricked her by disguising himself as Artemis). Their tryst resulted in a child, Arcas 1, who came to rule Arcadia later in life. Callisto was punished for being Zeus' lover, and was turned into a bear by Hera. Zeus had pity on Callisto falling to this fate, and so transformed her into the constellation Ursa Major (Great Bear), thus allowing her to gain immortality. He gave their child, Arcas 1, to Hermes' mother, Maia, one of the Pleiades, who raised him to adulthood.