popHealth Record Matching System Interface

version 0.2

22 June 2016

The MITRE Corporation



This document describes the interface that popHealth provides to a Record Matching System. The interface leverages both FHIR Messaging and RESTful FHIR Search.


This document describes the interaction that between popHealth and a record matching system from the time that popHealth initiates a request for a matching operation to when the matching results are returned.

This document does not specify how popHealth is made aware of any record matching system or how to configure a record matching system to work with popHealth. It also does not specify the mechanism by which a record matching system authenticates with popHealth to obtain data.


  1. This document assumes FHIR Specification DSTU2, which is the current officially released version at the time of writing.

Technical Approach

popHealth will use a FHIR message to initiate a matching operation. The record-match message contains information that allows the record matching system to make a RESTful FHIR Search call to retrieve the data that is to be processed. On receipt of the record-match request, the record matching system should respond with a message that indicates whether it accepts or rejects the message. If the request is rejected, an error code that indicates the reason should be provided. When the record matching system accepts a record-match request and finishes processing it, the record matching system sends a FHIR message containing the match results back to popHealth. popHealth, in turn can make the results available to the popHealth user who had requested the operation. These high level steps can be depicted as:

sequenceDiagram popHealth User->>popHealth: start match popHealth->>Record Matcher: record-match(search expr to master record list) Record Matcher->>popHealth: record-match acknowledgement Record Matcher->>popHealth: get data (RESTful Search) Record Matcher->>Record Matcher:find matches Record Matcher->>popHealth: record-match response popHealth->>popHealth User: match complete

Use Cases

There are two use cases covered by this interface definition.

In the first use case, popHealth requests a record matching system process a single data set and return information about records it considers the same. Loosely speaking, the record matcher is being asked to identify potential duplicate records in a master record list.

In the second use case, popHealth requests the record matcher return information about matches of records from one data set (a.k.a,, query list) found in a second data set (a.k.a., master record list). This is like giving a record matcher a list of names (i.e., query list) and asking it to look in some larger data set to find records that match those names.

Message Definitions

record-match Request

The record-match message is a FHIR Message sent by popHealth to direct a record matching system to process one or two data sets. The data sets are described by RESTful FHIR Search expressions. The record matching system obtains the resources in the data set by invoking the FHIR Search service.

The search expression includes the component parts that allow the record matching system to invoke a RESTful a FHIR Search. The record matching system may use either the HTTP GET or POST method to invoke the Search service. The response from popHealth shall be conformant with the FHIR Search RESTful API

Message Structure

The general structure of the record-match message is presented below.

See the FHIR Specification for the data type definitions and optional elements for the resources used in the record-match message.

The message header will contain one or two data elements that reference a Parameters resource that appears in an entry element in the message. The Parameters resource provides information that allows the record matching system to construct and then invoke a FHIR Search operation in order to retrieve data to process.

One data element is provided when the record matching system is expected to identify records that are potentially duplicates in the data set. Two data elements are provided when the record matcher is being directed to look in the first data set (i.e., master record list) for potential matches of each of the records in the second data set (i.e., query list).

Example Messages

record-match acknowledgement

A record matching system should send a message acknowledging receipt of a record-match message. An acknowledgement is recommended because the time to complete the requested matching operation may be significant.

When the record matching system will accept and process the record-match request, the acknowledgement message will contain a Message Header with response code value, “ok”.

When the record matcher rejects a record-match request, the MessageHeader must have the response code value, “fatal-error” and reference an OperationOutcome resource contained in another entry in the bundle.

The OperationOutcome must have issue severity value, “error” and an issue code value from the value set, issue-type. The issue code provides popHealth with information about why the record matching system will not process the request. Human-friendly text that complements the issue code may also be provided in an issue details element.

Message Structure

See the FHIR Specification for the data type definitions and optional elements for the resources used in this message.

Example Messages

record-match Response

The record-match response message provides a information about each potential match identified by the record matcher.

The record-match response will be a FHIR Bundle that contains a MessageHeader resource. The MessageHeader response code value, “ok” will indicate that the record matching system has successfully completed its matching run. In the case where the record matching system encounters and error, an OperationOutcome resource will also be included.

The message header will have one or two data references. These will refer to Bundle entries which describe the query list and the master record list.

Lastly, the Bundle will include zero or more entries to represent links between records that the matching system has discovered. The entry shall use the Patient Matching using an MPI extension. This extension will be used to represent the quality of the link between records.

Example Messages

Message Delivery Mechanism

Section of the FHIR Specification defines how a FHIR Server might offer a RESTful endpoint as central point for exchanging asynchronous messages. popHealth will use such an endpoint to exchange messages with a record matching system.

Note: The message brokering capability of a FHIR Server is considered distinct from the popHealth Record Matching System Interface. The message brokering capability may be provided by popHealth, the record matching system, or some other system.

popHealth must be configurable to poll a FHIR Server for messages directed to popHealth. popHealth should allow the interval at which it polls the FHIR Server for messages to be configurable.

popHealth may provide a capability to receive the record-match response FHIR message by providing a RESTful endpoint that can accept the message directly.

popHealth must distinguish between the destination of the message, which is the record matching system, and the server to which it sends the message for brokering. This may be the same endpoint if the record matching system acts as the central point of message exchange.

A record matching system must provide a capability to receive the record-match FHIR message. This may be either by providing a RESTful endpoint that can accept the message directly or by polling a FHIR Server for messages directed to the record matching system.

The record matching system should allow the interval at which it polls a FHIR Server for messages to be configurable.

A depiction of the record-match call sequence with the FHIR Server included is:

sequenceDiagram popHealth User->>popHealth: start match popHealth->>FHIR Server: record-match(search expr to master record list) Record Matcher->>FHIR Server: get messages FHIR Server-->>Record Matcher: record-match Record Matcher->>Record Matcher: process record-match message Record Matcher->>FHIR Server: record-match acknowledgement popHealth->>FHIR Server: get messages FHIR Server-->>popHealth: record-match acknowledgement Record Matcher->>popHealth: get data (RESTful Search) popHealth-->>Record Matcher: master record list Record Matcher->>Record Matcher:find matches Record Matcher->>FHIR Server: record-match response popHealth->>FHIR Server: get messages FHIR Server-->>popHealth: record-match response popHealth->>popHealth User: match complete

Search Parameters

The Patient Search Parameters will be the initial set of supported search parameters used in the record-match message.

Security Implementation Guidance

All RESTful service invocations should be via the HTTPS protocol.

The process of authenticating with any of the involved FHIR Servers is outside the scope of this interface.
