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eMASSer is a Command Line Interface (CLI) that aims to automate routine business use-cases and provide utility surrounding the Enterprise Mission Assurance Support Service (eMASS) by leveraging its Representational State Transfer (REST) Application Programming Interface (API).

NOTE: The eMASSer CLI utilizes the emass_client RubyGem executable package to access the eMASS API endpoints.


For detail content information about the eMASS API references the eMASS API Specification.

For detail features provided by the eMASSer CLI references the eMASSer CLI Features.

The eMASSer CLI Architecture depicts the structure, and provides an explanation of CLI behaviors.

Testing the eMASSer

For testing the eMASSer with an interactive hosted mock server visit the eMASS Interactive Mock Server.

Installation Options

eMASSer is a Ruby CLI distributed via GitHub (this repository), RubyGems, or Docker.

Installation Dependencies

Runtime Major Dependencies

Install via GitHub

*Note: To run in development mode there isn’t a need to build the gem, simply clone from the emasser repository and use:

bundle install

bundle exec exe/emasser [command]

Install via published RubyGems

Using Docker

Ensure that docker engine is running and start the eMASSer Docker Container.


Docker Notes:

Run eMASSer API client commands

Delete (remove) the Docker Container

  docker rmi -f mitre/emasser


The eMASSer implements all endpoints provided by the eMASS API, there is, all of the functions available from the eMASS GUI that are exposed by the API. If additional functions are useful (accessible via the CLI), please submit a request to eMass Tier III Support for possible inclusion into the API.

The Road Map seeks to add any useful features that facilitates organization that utilizes eMASS instances and have a need to automate their cybersecurity management process.

For additional capability create an issue, and email it to the SAF Team citing the issue link so we can help.

Some proposed capabilities (looking for a sponsor) are:


Interactions with eMASS API

The eMASSer CLI leverages the emass_client, which provides a REST API client developed by MITRE based on the OpenAPI V3 standards for the official eMASS API specification. This design enables REST API clients to be generated in any supported programming language. The design enables the emass_client to be generated independently of the eMASSer CLI. Currently, a Ruby and a Typescript eMASS client API are provided. The TypeScript client is used with the Security Automation Framework CLI (SAF) CLI.

Business Logic

Because interactions with the API are handled by a dependency, the bulk of eMASSer business logic is for accepting user input/output, reading data from eMASS or from input, transforming data, and routing data to the appropriate eMASS API endpoint. This business logic is organized into Ruby Classes and Modules based on the command or subcommand requested by the user.

eMASSer CLI Architecture

The eMASSer CLI makes use of the emass_client ruby gem to communicate with an eMASS instance via the eMASS API as depicted in the diagram below:

emasser CLI Architecture


© 2025 The MITRE Corporation.

Approved for Public Release; Distribution Unlimited. Case Number 18-3678.


MITRE hereby grants express written permission to use, reproduce, distribute, modify, and otherwise leverage this software to the extent permitted by the licensed terms provided in the file included with this project.


This software was produced for the U. S. Government under Contract Number HHSM-500-2012-00008I, and is subject to Federal Acquisition Regulation Clause 52.227-14, Rights in Data-General.

No other use other than that granted to the U. S. Government, or to those acting on behalf of the U. S. Government under that Clause is authorized without the express written permission of The MITRE Corporation.

For further information, please contact The MITRE Corporation, Contracts Management Office, 7515 Colshire Drive, McLean, VA 22102-7539, (703) 983-6000.