Function to calculate z-scores and csd-scores based on anthro tables.

read_anthro(path = "", cdc.only = FALSE, prelim_infants = FALSE)



Path to supplied reference anthro data. Defaults to package anthro tables.


Whether or not only CDC data should be used. Defaults to false.


TRUE/FALSE. Run the in-development release of the infants algorithm (expands pediatric algorithm to improve performance for children 0 – 2 years). Not recommended for use in research. For more information regarding the logic of the algorithm, see the vignette 'Preliminary Infants Algorithm.' Defaults to FALSE.


Function for calculating BMI based on measurement, age in days, sex, and measurement value.


# \donttest{
# Return calculating function with all defaults
afunc <- read_anthro()

# Return calculating function while specifying a path and using only CDC data
afunc <- read_anthro(path = system.file("extdata", package = "growthcleanr"),
                     cdc.only = TRUE)
# }