
Checks if GitHub PRs receive an approving review prior to merge.


percent-thresholdFloatPercentage of merged PRs without a review which is permissible.

Default Policy Expression

    (count (filter (eq #f) $))
    (count $))
  {config.percent-threshold or 0.05})

Default Query: mitre/review

Returns an array of booleans, indicating true for each PR if an approving review was received.


Review analysis looks at whether pull requests on GitHub (currently the only supported remote host for this analysis) receive at least one review prior to being merged.

If too few pull requests receive review prior to merging, then this analysis will flag that as a supply chain risk.

This works with the GitHub API, and requires a token in the configuration. Hipcheck only needs permissions for accessing public repository data, so those are the only permissions to assign to your generated token.


  • Not every project uses GitHub: While GitHub is a very popular host for Git repositories, it is by no means the only host. This analysis' current limitation to GitHub makes it less useful than it could be.
  • Projects which do use GitHub may not use GitHub Reviews for code review: GitHub Reviews is a specific GitHub feature for performing code reviews which projects may not all use. There may be repositories which are older than the availability of this feature, and so don't have reviews on older pull requests.