Why Hipcheck?

To understand how Hipcheck works, it's first useful to understand why Hipcheck was created.

How Hipcheck Began

Hipcheck started as an internal project at MITRE. MITRE is a not-for-profit corporation in the United States that operates Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDCs). In practice, this means that MITRE serves as a trusted advisor to many parts of the US federal government, providing analysis, making recommendations, engaging in research, and building prototypes in support of government missions.

Hipcheck began in 2019 when one of MITRE's sponsors asked for an assessment of some open source software they were interested in using. MITRE built Hipcheck as an attempt to answer that question, because they viewed existing techniques for evaluating open source software in a manual or automation-supported way to be inadequate.

Work on Hipcheck continued within MITRE from them, and Hipcheck was released as an open source project under the Apache 2.0 license in January of 2023.

The Problems with Existing Techniques

Before Hipcheck was created, the common mechanisms seen for managing supply chain risk associated with open source software included:

  • Manual review of a project, including their practices, code quality, history of vulnerabilities and vulnerability response, level of activity, assurance practices like code review or testing, and more.
  • Analyzing the software with a static code analysis tool, depending on the language used and the types of tools available. This included both open source "linters" (generally, less sophisticated static analyzers often focused on code quality) and commercial analyzers.
  • Analyzing the software with dynamic analysis tools, if possible. Again, the possibilities here are influenced by the language, toolchains required, difficulty of establishing a build, and difficulty of setting the project up for dynamic analysis.

In practice, each of these approaches had substantial challenges.

The Problems with Manual Review

Manual review, while the most informative, was also the most time consuming. In order to assess a project's history, reviewers may need to manually go through extensive lists of prior contributions. Understanding code review practices may only be based on a brief survey of contributions, and the same would often be true with assessing testing practices. Human errors were common, especially when reviewing code in an unfamiliar programming language or in languages where idioms may very significantly from codebase to codebase.

The Problems with Static Code Analysis

Static code analysis, while automated, had the challenge of often producing large numbers of false positive results, especially on codebases which did not themselves have a regular practice of running static code analyzers. Static analyses are inherently conservative, they flag code patterns which the analyzer can't prove not to be problematic. Often, this would result in large numbers of benign findings which then needed to be manually reviewed. Even after an initial review, full conclusions on the validity of specific findings might need to involve consultation with the original maintainers of the project being analyzed, or rely on a judgment call in the absence of that more expert consultation.

The Problems with Dynamic Code Analysis

Dynamic code analysis is valuable for avoiding false positives, but has several difficulties of its own. First, "wiring up" a project to be analyzed by a dynamic analysis tool like a fuzzer or a symbolic execution system may be tedious and difficult, especially for an unfamiliar open source project you are assessing. Dynamic analysis is also inherently probabilistic; for example in fuzzing you can increase the confidence in the assurance of the code by running the fuzzer for longer, but never eliminate the possibility that something severe would have been found if you'd waited even one more second before stopping the analysis.

An Alternative Approach

While all of these are useful assurance techniques, they were not necessarily the right techniques to use in the context of this specific question: should I feel comfortable using this open source software?

Hipcheck was developed to test out an alternative approach. Instead of analyzing the code in a project like a static code analyzer would, Hipcheck analyzes project metadata, like the commit history and platform API data for packages, pull requests, and more, to make inferences about the practices a project follows to produce its software.

In the time since that initial effort, Hipcheck has continued to grow and improve, gaining more analyses and becoming a production-ready tool for analyzing software packages for supply chain risk. Throughout that time, it's number one goal has been and continues to be to empower producers and users of open source software to understand the risks associated with a project before using it, in a way that is sensible, maintains low false positives, and adapts to the needs of the user.

We still believe that the other techniques described above are useful, and in general we highly recommend them in other contexts! Manual review is a great thing to do after letting Hipcheck filter your list of all dependencies to specifically the ones that look the most concerning. Static code analysis is a great thing to do for your own code, and Hipcheck itself is written in Rust, a language with pretty strong static analysis built into it. Dynamic code analysis is a wonderful set of techniques for finding real bugs and vulnerabilities, as shown by the track record of groups like Fish in a Barrel, a security research team who run fuzzers against open source code written in C and C++.

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