While RFD #3 addressed the overall vision for how the planned plugin
architecture for Hipcheck will work, the intent of this RFD is to describe in
greater detail the specifics of the interface between the hc
binary and
Hipcheck plugins.
The goals in writing this RFD are:
Thus, moving forward this RFD has two audiences: Hipcheck's Developers, and Potential Plugin Authors. The remainder of the RFD will be written with both of these audiences in mind.
The remainder of this RFD is written with the assumption that you have already read RFD #3.
One of the goals of Hipcheck's plugin system is that anyone can create a Hipcheck plugin in any programming language, not just Rust. This creates challenges around distributing and executing plugins which can run on any of Hipcheck's supported architectures. While some programming languages are intended to be platform-agnostic (where the code as-distributed can be run on any platform that has a usable runtime for the language), others must be specifically compiled for the target architecture. We intend for Hipcheck plugins to be usable in either case.
Defining a Hipcheck plugin means defining three components:
Let's cover each of these in turn.
The plugin's executable artifact is the binary, set of executable program files, Docker container, or other artifact which can be run as a command line interface program through a singular "start command" defined in the plugin's manifest.
The plugin manifest describes the start command for the plugin, along
with additional metadata necessary for Hipcheck to run the plugin. The
set of metadata intended for plugins was initially defined in RFD #3, but
is updated and superseded here. The manifests will be defined using KDL, and
should be named plugin.kdl
): The name of the individual or organization that
created the plugin.String
): The name of the plugin.String
): The version number of the plugin, following
Semantic Versioning conventions of the <MAJOR>.<MINOR>.<PATCH>
): The command to run the plugin's executable
artifact from the command line.
): An entry for a specific architecture.
): The target triple for the
architecture whose entrypoint is being specified.String
): The entrypoint CLI
program to run.String
): An SPDX license expression
specifying all licenses which apply to the plugin. See the
SPDX license list for the full list of known named
): A node containing all dependency information
for the plugin. This is the set of plugins whose outputs the current plugin
consumes in the course of its own execution.
): An individual plugin node, specifying the
following attributes:
): The name of the plugin, of
the form <PUBLISHER>/<NAME>
): The version, specified as a
SemVer version constraint of the forms accepted by Rust's Cargo
ecosystem. Namely, the following operators are supported
(note that this list explicitly does not include
hyphen-ranges or x-ranges, both of
which are supported in the NPM ecosystem.)
>= 1.2.3
.>= 1.2.3, < 2.0.0
): The download
location of the plugin discovery manifest for this plugin. Until a
plugin registry is established for Hipcheck plugins, this attribute will
effectively be required, as otherwise Hipcheck will have no mechanism to
discover the location of the download metadata for a plugin.Given the above definitions, an example plugin manifest may look like:
publisher "mitre"
name "affiliation"
version "0.1.0"
license "Apache-2.0"
entrypoint {
on arch="aarch64-apple-darwin" "./hc-mitre-affiliation"
on arch="x86_64-apple-darwin" "./hc-mitre-affiliation"
on arch="x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu" "./hc-mitre-affiliation"
on arch="x86_64-pc-windows-msvc" "./hc-mitre-affiliation"
dependencies {
plugin "mitre/git" version="0.1.0" manifest="https://github.com/mitre/hipcheck/blob/main/plugin/dist/mitre-git.kdl"
The plugin discovery manifest is an additional manifest which tells Hipcheck where to find the correct plugin artifact for a specific target architecture. In the future, Hipcheck's plugin system may support one or more plugin registries which ease discovery of Hipcheck plugins. In the short term, the standard mechanism for discovery of Hipcheck plugins will be for plugin producers to distribute a per-plugin discovery manifest which contains version and target architecture information necessary for Hipcheck to download the correct plugin executable artifact to run on the end-user's host.
The format of the plugin discovery manifest is as follows:
s): describes the download information for a
specific plugin version and architecture.
): A SemVer
version of the plugin.
Not a version requirement as in the plugin manifest file, but only a
specific concrete version.String
): The target architecture, given as a
target triple. (See "Target Triples" appendix below for more information on
supported target triples).Node
): The URL of the archive file to download
containing the plugin executable artifact and plugin manifest.
): The actual URL test.Node
): Information for the hash algorithm and digest
the consumer should use to validate the downloaded plugin archive.
): The hash algorithm used to validate
the downloaded plugin archive. Supported hash algorithm can be
. More algorithms may be added in the future. No
support for older, weaker algorithms such as SHA-1, SHA-1CD, or MD5 is
): The hexadecimal digest produced
by the hash algorithm, to compare against the result of the consumer
hashing the downloaded plugin archive with the prescribed hash algorithm.Node
): Defines how to handle decompressing the
downloaded plugin archive.
): The name of the compression
and archive format used for the downloaded artifact. Because plugins must
include both the executable artifact and a plugin manifest, the
downloaded artifact linked in a plugin download manifest must always be
an archive in one of the following formats. The supported formats are:
: Archived with tar
and compressed with the XZ algorithm.tar.gz
: Archived with tar
and compressed with the Gzip algorithm.tar.zst
: Archived with tar
and compressed with the zstd algorithm.tar
: Archived with tar
, not compressed.zip
: Archived and compressed with zip
): Describes the size of the downloaded artifact.
This is used to validate the download was successful by comparing the size
of the artifact before decompression to the specified size. This also helps
protect against attempts at distributing malformed artifacts with hashes
that collide with the original artifact by requiring the new artifact to
match the size in bytes of the original. Note this does not protect the
user in the case of an attacker being able to modify both the distributed
artifact(s) and the plugin download manifest.
): The size of the downloaded
artifact in bytes.An example plugin download manifest with two entries would look like this:
plugin version="0.1.0" arch="aarch64-apple-darwin" {
url "https://github.com/mitre/hipcheck/releases/download/hipcheck-v3.4.0/hipcheck-aarch64-apple-darwin.tar.xz"
hash alg="SHA256" digest="b8e111e7817c4a1eb40ed50712d04e15b369546c4748be1aa8893b553f4e756b"
compress format="tar.xz"
size bytes=2_869_896
plugin version="0.1.0" arch="x86_64-apple-darwin" {
url "https://github.com/mitre/hipcheck/releases/download/hipcheck-v3.4.0/hipcheck-x86_64-apple-darwin.tar.xz"
hash alg="SHA256" digest="ddb8c6d26dd9a91e11c99b3bd7ee2b9585aedac6e6df614190f1ba2bfe86dc19"
compress format="tar.xz"
size bytes=3_183_768
With the plugin download manifest in place, Hipcheck has the information necessary to download, validate, and run plugins requested by the user.
Plugins for Hipcheck run as their own processes, started as Command Line Interface programs, which communicate with the main Hipcheck process via gRPC. In the future, other interfaces may be added, and indeed RFD #3 contemplated other interfaces for communication between Hipcheck and its plugins. gRPC has been chosen in the immediate-term because it is a well-understood mechanism with implementations in many popular languages.
To enable communication over gRPC, Hipcheck requires that plugins provide
a CLI which accepts a --port <PORT>
argument, enabling Hipcheck to centrally
manage the ports plugins are listening on. The port provided via this
CLI argument must be the port the running plugin process listens on for
gRPC requests, and on which it returns responses.
Plugins are also expected to produce log information by outputting to
, and leave redirection, rotation, and other log management
tasks to Hipcheck. Logs do not have a required format, as we recognize
various ecosystems and existing tools and libraries will have their own
The plugin manifest includes an entrypoint key, the value of
which must be the CLI argument to start the plugin executable artifact,
such that appending the --port <PORT>
flag succeeds in setting the
port on the process which is then started.
Once started, the plugin should continue running, listening for gRPC requests from Hipcheck, until shut down by the Hipcheck process.
The plugin gRPC interface is described in the following ProtoBuf version 3 file, with comments. For more details on the interaction between plugins and Hipcheck, see the section "Analysis" of this RFD.
syntax = "proto3";
service Plugin {
* Get schemas for all supported queries by the plugin.
* This is used by Hipcheck to validate that:
* - The plugin supports a default query taking a `target` type if used
* as a top-level plugin in the user's policy file.
* - That requests sent to the plugin and data returned by the plugin
* match the schema during execution.
rpc GetQuerySchemas () returns (stream Schema);
* Hipcheck sends all child nodes for the plugin from the user's policy
* file to configure the plugin.
rpc SetConfiguration (Configuration) returns (ConfigurationResult);
* Get the default policy for a plugin, which may additionally depend on
* the plugin's configuration.
rpc GetDefaultPolicyExpression () returns (PolicyExpression);
* Open a bidirectional streaming RPC to enable a request/response
* protocol between Hipcheck and a plugin, where Hipcheck can issue
* queries to the plugin, and the plugin may issue queries to _other_
* plugins through Hipcheck.
* Queries are cached by the publisher name, plugin name, query name,
* and key, and if a match is found for those four values, then
* Hipcheck will respond with the cached result of that prior matching
* query rather than running the query again.
rpc InitiateQueryProtocol (stream Query) returns (stream Query);
message Configuration {
// JSON string containing configuration data expected by the plugin,
// pulled from the user's policy file.
string configuration = 0;
enum ConfigurationStatus {
// An unknown error occured.
// No error; the operation was successful.
// The user failed to provide a required configuration item.
// The user provided a configuration item whose name was not recognized.
// The user provided a configuration item whose value is invalid.
message ConfigurationResult {
// The status of the configuration call.
ConfigurationStatus status = 0;
// An error message, if there was an error.
optional string message = 1;
message PolicyExpression {
// A policy expression, if the plugin has a default policy.
// This MUST be filled in with any default values pulled from the plugin's
// configuration. Hipcheck will only request the default policy _after_
// configuring the plugin.
optional string policy_expression = 0;
message Schema {
// The name of the query being described by the schemas provided.
// If either the key and/or output schemas result in a message which is
// too big, they may be chunked across multiple replies in the stream.
// Replies with matching query names should have their fields concatenated
// in the order received to reconstruct the chunks.
string query_name = 0;
// The key schema, in JSON Schema format.
string key_schema = 1;
// The output schema, in JSON Schema format.
string output_schema = 2;
enum QueryState {
// Something has gone wrong.
// We are submitting a new query.
// We are replying to a query and expect more chunks.
// We are closing a reply to a query. If a query response is in one chunk,
// just send this. If a query is in more than one chunk, send this with
// the last message in the reply. This tells the receiver that all chunks
// have been received.
message Query {
// The ID of the request, used to associate requests and replies.
// Odd numbers = initiated by `hc`.
// Even numbers = initiated by a plugin.
int32 id = 1;
// The state of the query, indicating if this is a request or a reply,
// and if it's a reply whether it's the end of the reply.
QueryState state = 2;
// Publisher name and plugin name, when sent from Hipcheck to a plugin
// to initiate a fresh query, are used by the receiving plugin to validate
// that the query was intended for them.
// When a plugin is making a query to another plugin through Hipcheck, it's
// used to indicate the destination plugin, and to indicate the plugin that
// is replying when Hipcheck sends back the reply.
string publisher_name = 3;
string plugin_name = 4;
// The name of the query being made, so the responding plugin knows what
// to do with the provided data.
string query_name = 5;
// The key for the query, as a JSON object. This is the data that Hipcheck's
// incremental computation system will use to cache the response.
string key = 6;
// The response for the query, as a JSON object. This will be cached by
// Hipcheck for future queries matching the publisher name, plugin name,
// query name, and key.
string output = 7;
The RFD so far has described how plugins are defined by plugin creators, and the API expected of plugins in order for Hipcheck to interact with them. What has not been described is how end-users of Hipcheck should use plugins themselves. This section answers that question.
Today, Hipcheck determines what analyses to run and how to configure those
analyses with a "configuration file," and when you first install Hipcheck you
must run the hc setup
command to get a copy of the default configuration
files and helper scripts necessary for Hipcheck to run. This approach has
several problems:
hc setup
after installation is an extra step
and source of complexity. If users forget to do it, their first
interactions with Hipcheck come in the form of an error message.Hipcheck.toml
file defines the central scoring
configuration and many basic configuration items, it does not
configure all individual analyses, many of which delegate their
configuration to an additional file.Given all of the above, we have reached a new design for how to handle what we call "configuration" today in Hipcheck.
Today's "configuration files" which are installed by hc setup
will be
replaced with a "policy file" which the user writes. This policy file will
be called Hipcheck.kdl
by default.
The policy file will be in KDL format, not TOML. The schema will be designed to be easier to scan and understand than the one used today.
The policy file will not live in a central per-user or per-system directory,
as it is intended to today. Instead it can be in any location, and by default
Hipcheck will check the current directory. Otherwise, the user will provide
a command line flag to the hc
command to indicate the location of the
policy file.
The hc setup
step will be eliminated (this also requires changing Hipcheck
to no longer need the helper script it requires for some analyses today).
It's worth explaining in more detail the particular choice to move away from the term "configuration" and toward the term "policy" for this file. One of the central ideas in Hipcheck is there there is no universal "risk" metric that Hipcheck is uncovering with its analyses; we as the makers of Hipcheck do not have special insight into the one true way to discern the security risk of using specific third-party dependencies. Instead, we see Hipcheck as a tool to empower open source maintainers and consumers of open source to better understand what they're making and using. Any score produced by Hipcheck is an expression of the policy of the user running it. While we will always try to provide sensible defaults for users out of the box, we also want to encourage users to tune their policies to better reflect what they care about.
The name change also has a more practical purpose of deconflicting the word "configuration" to in the future be used for configuring Hipcheck in ways that aren't relevant for analyses. For example, we will likely in the future want a way to tell Hipcheck to use specific certificates for HTTP requests, and having a configuration file to enable this would be helpful.
With all of this now said, let's look at an example of a future policy file for Hipcheck, and explain its parts:
plugins {
plugin "mitre/activity" version="0.1.0"
plugin "mitre/binary" version="0.1.0"
plugin "mitre/fuzz" version="0.1.0"
plugin "mitre/review" version="0.1.0"
plugin "mitre/typo" version="0.1.0"
plugin "mitre/affiliation" version="0.1.0"
plugin "mitre/entropy" version="0.1.0"
plugin "mitre/churn" version="0.1.0"
analyze {
investigate policy="(gt 0.5 $)"
investigate-if-fail "mitre/typo" "mitre/binary"
category "practices" {
analysis "mitre/activity" policy="(lte 52 $/weeks)" weight=3
analysis "mitre/binary" policy="(eq 0 (count $))"
analysis "mitre/fuzz" policy="(eq #t $)"
analysis "mitre/review" policy="(lte 0.05 $/pct_reviewed)"
category "attacks" {
analysis "mitre/typo" policy="(eq 0 (count $))" {
typo-file "./config/typo.kdl"
category "commit" {
analysis "mitre/affiliation" policy="(eq 0 (count $))" {
orgs-file "./config/orgs.kdl"
analysis "mitre/entropy" policy="(eq 0 (count (filter (gt 8.0) $)))"
analysis "mitre/churn" policy="(eq 0 (count (filter (gt 8.0) $)))"
As you can see, the file has two main sections: a plugins
section, and an
section. We can explore each of these in turn.
SectionThis section defines the plugins that will be used to run the analyses
described in the file. These plugins are defined in the same way dependent
plugins are defined in the plugin manifest, with a plugin name, version, and an
optional manifest
field (not shown in the example above). In the future, when
a Hipcheck plugin registry is established, the manifest
field will become
optional. In the immediate term it will be practically required.
The manifest
field can be either a URL link to the plugin's download
manifest file, or a local path to a plugin's plugin manifest file. The
latter case is to allow for local testing of plugins without requiring the
changes be published.
Each plugin without a local-path-type manifest
field will be downloaded by
Hipcheck, its size and checksum verified, and the plugin contents decompressed
and unarchived to produce the plugin executable artifacts and plugin manifest
which will be stored in a local plugin cache. Hipcheck will do the same
recursively for all plugins. Local-path-type manifest
plugins will have their
plugin manifest and endpoint binary copied to the plugin cache.
In the future Hipcheck will likely add some form of dependency resolution to minimize duplication of shared dependencies, similar to what exists in other more mature package ecosystems. For now the details of this mechanism are left unspecified.
SectionThis section defines the set of analyses that Hipcheck should use to assess any targets of analysis, and just as importantly constructs the "score tree" which will take the output of those analyses and use them to produce an overall risk score. See the Complete Guide to Hipcheck's section on scoring for more information on how Hipcheck's scoring mechanism works.
Today, the Hipcheck score tree is static in any specific version. The structure
of the current Hipcheck.toml
file contains this structure, which must
exactly match the specified structure expected by Hipcheck. Analyses are grouped
into categories, and both analyses and categories have weights attached to them
which change the degree to which the results of individual analyses or
categories of analyses contribute to the overall risk score. While this has
worked fine for Hipcheck so far, it obviously will not work in the presence of
plugins, with which the user could run any arbitrary set of analyses.
The need to gracefully represent this is part of the appeal of KDL over TOML.
TOML makes handling successive degrees of nesting fairly difficult; while it
can support nested sections, it does so awkwardly and is best suited instead
for mostly-flat hierarchies. KDL, by contrast, is designed to easily support
nested structures, but with a more human-readable syntax that JSON, and some
other niceties like avoiding all numbers being implicitly encoded as floats,
which JSON suffers from, or easy-to-mess-up indenting rules or other special
cases like the Norway country code evaluating to false
which are part of
YAML. Experience with many "cloud native" tools and Continuous Integration
configuration systems has made many, the Hipcheck maintainers included, wary
of YAML as a configuration language choice.
For the overall recommendation, there are two important values to understand:
the investigate
node, and the investigate-if-fail
The investigate
node accepts a policy
key-value pair, which takes a
policy expression as a string, with the input to the policy expression being
the numeric output of the scoring tree reduction, a floating pointer number
between 0.0
and 1.0
inclusive. This defines the policy used to determine
if the "risk score" produced by the score tree should result in Hipcheck
flagging the target of analysis for further investigation.
The investigate-if-fail
node enables users of Hipcheck to additionally
mark specific analyses such that if those analyses produce a failed result,
the overall target of analysis is marked for further investigation regardless
of the risk score. In this case, the risk score is still calculated and all
other analyses are still run.
The rest of the analyze
section is composed of any number of nested
and category
nodes. category
is used to group any number of
nodes for grouped weighting. All analysis
and category
may receive a weight
key-value attribute which sets their numeric weight
as an integer greater than 0. analysis
nodes may additional receive a
field as a key-value attribute containing a policy expression string.
The default weight for all analysis
and category
nodes is 1
nodes take a positional string attribute which is the name of the
plugin, which must match the name defined in the plugins
section of the
policy file, with the producer name and plugin name separated by a /
Any child nodes of an analysis
node are passed to the associated plugin
during the beginning of Hipcheck's execution, for validation and to configure
the analysis to be run.
"Policy expressions" are a small expression language in Hipcheck, as part of policy files, which are intended to let users of Hipcheck express policies for how the output of individual plugins should be used to produce a pass/fail determination as an input for scoring. The scoring system relies on converting these per-analysis pass/fail results, with weights per-analysis and per-category, into an overall risk score from which we derive the "pass" or "investigate" recommendation.
In the new plugin system, it is possible for plugins to depend on other plugins, using the results output by a dependent plugin as inputs, performing additional work, and then producing new outputs. At the same time, any plugin may be listed in a user's policy file, in which case its output, which may be arbitrary JSON data, must be reduced down to a pass/fail result. Policy expressions exist to define that reduction.
The policy expression language is limited. It does not permit user-defined functions, assignment to variables, or the retention of any state. Any policy expression which does not result in a boolean output will produce an error. The primitive types accepted in policy expressions are only integers, floating point numbers, booleans, datetimes, and spans of time.
: 64-bit signed integers.Float
: 64-bit IEEE double-precision floating point numbers.Boolean
: True (#t
) or false (#f
: A datetime value with a date, optional time, and optional UTC
offset. This follows a modified version of ISO8601 (see below for details).Span
: A span of time, in some combination of weeks, days, hours, minutes,
seconds. This follows a modified version of ISO8601 (see below for details).Policy expressions also accept arrays, which are ordered sequences of
values of the same type from the list of primitive types above. Arrays may
not currently be nested. Array syntax is a list of primitives separated
by spaces, surrounded by open and close square brackets. Example: [1 2 3]
The following functions are currently defined for policy expressions:
: Greater than comparison. Example: (gt 1 2)
is #f
. This
function can be partially-evaluated when passed to a higher-order array function,
in which case the order of the parameters is switched to match the expected
result. So (filter (gt 4) [0 2 4 6 8 10])
evaluates to [6 8 10]
: Less than comparison. Example: (lt 1 2)
is #t
. This function
can be partially-evaluated when passed to a higher-order array function, in which
case the order of the parameters is switched to match the expected result.
So (filter (lt 4) [0 2 4 6 8 10])
evaluates to [0 2]
: Greater than or equal to comparison. Example: (gte 1 2)
. This function can be partially-evaluated when passed to filter
, in which case the order of the parameters is switched to match
the expected result. So (filter (gte 4) [0 2 4 6 8 10])
evaluates to
[4 6 8 10]
: Less than or equal to comparison. Example: (lte 1 2)
is #t
This function can be partially-evaluated when passed to filter
, in which case the order of the parameters is switched to match
the expected result. So (filter (lte 4) [0 2 4 6 8 10])
evaluates to
[0 2 4]
: Equality comparison. Example: (eq 1 1)
is #t
. This function
can be partially-evaluated when passed to a higher-order array function.neq
: Not-equal comparison. Example: (neq 1 1)
is #f
. This
function can be partially-evaluated when passed to a higher-order array function.add
: Adds two integers, floats, or spans together. Adds a datetime and a
span to get new datetime. This function can be partially-evaluated when passed to
a higher-order array function.sub
: Subtracts one integer, float, or span from another. Subtracts a
span from a datetime to get a new datetime. This function can be
partially-evaluated when passed to foreach
, in which case the order of
the parameters is switched to match the expected result. So
(foreach (sub 1) [1 2 3 4 5])
becomes [0 1 2 3 4]
: Returns the span representing the difference between two
: Performs the logical "and" of two booleans. Example:
(and #t #f)
becomes #f
: Performs the logical "or" of two booleans. Example:
(or #t #f)
becomes #t
: Performs the logical negation of a boolean. Example:
(not #f)
becomes #t
: Finds the maximum value in an array of integers or floats.
Example: (max [0 1 2 3 4 5])
becomes 5
: Finds the minimum value in an array of integers or floats.
Example: (min [0 1 2 3 4 5])
becomes 0
: Finds the average value in an array of integers or floats.
Example: (avg [0 1 2 3 4 5)
become 2.5
: Finds the median value in an array of integers or floats.
Sorts the array as part of this calculation. Example:
(median [5 1 2 4 3])
becomes 3
: Counts the number of elements in an array. Example:
(count [0 1 2 3 4 5])
becomes 6
: Checks a logical function to see if it is true for all
elements in an array. Example: (all (gt 0) [0 1 2 3 4 5])
: Checks a logical function to see if it is not true for
at least one element in an array. Example: (nall (gt 0) [0 1 2 3 4 5])
becomes #t
: Checks a logical function to see if it is true for at
least one element in an array. Example: (some (eq 0) [0 1 2 3 4 5])
becomes #t
: Checks a logical function to see if it is not true for
all elements in an array. Example: (none (eq 0) [0 1 2 3 4 5])
: Filter the elements out of an array based on whether
they pass a boolean test function. Example:
(filter (gt 5) [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9])
becomes [6 7 8 9]
: Apply a function to each element of an array. Example:
(foreach (add 1) [0 1 2 3 4 5])
becomes [1 2 3 4 5 6]
: Print the expression passed to it, and the result of
evaluating that expression. Used for debugging. Example: (dbg (add 1 1))
prints a log message saying (add 1 1) => 2
.In policy expressions, the $
character stands for the input object, in
JSON format, and in fact any "substitution pointer" can be used. $
the root JSON object, which may be of any valid JSON type. If it's an
object, the /[field_name]
can be used to select a named field of the
object, and /[index]
can be used to select any numbered index of an
array. So $/items/0
, for example, would select into the items
of the provided object, and then into the first (0
-th) element of that
The policy expression DateTime primitive uses a modified version of ISO8601.
A given datetime must include a date in the format <YYYY>-<MM>-<DD>
An optional time in the format T<HH>:[MM]:[SS]
can be provided after the date.
Decimal fractions of hours and minutes are not allowed; use smaller time units
instead (e.g. T10:30 instead of T10.5). Decimal fractions of seconds are allowed.
The timezone is always set to UTC, but you can set an offeset from UTC by
including +{HH}:[MM]
or -{HH}:[MM]
after the time. All datetimes are
treated as offsets ofUTC and do not include other timezone information (e.g.
daylight savings time adjustments).
Example of valid datetimes are:
All comparison functions work on datetimes, with earlier datetimes
considered to be "lesser than" later ones. A span can be added to or
subtratced from a datetime to get a new datetime. The duration
function is used to find the difference in time between two datetimes,
returned as a span.
The policy expression Span primitive uses a modified version of ISO8601. It can include weeks, days, hours, minutes, and seconds. The smallest provided unit of time (i.e. hours, minutes, or seconds) can have a decimal fraction.
While spans with months, years, or both are valid under IS08601, we do not allow them in Hipcheck policy expressions. This is because spans greater than a day require additional zoned datetime information (to determine e.g. how many days are in a year or month) before we can do time arithmetic with them. Spans with weeks, days, or both are allowed. Hipcheck handles this by treating all days as periods of exactly 24 hours (without worrying about leap seconds) and converting a week to a period of seven 24-hour days.
Spans are preceded by the letter "P" with any optional time units separated from optional date units by the letter "T" (not whitespace, as is also allowed under ISO8601). All units of dates and times are represented by single case-agnostic letter abbreviations after the number.
Examples of valid spans are:
All comparison functions work on spans. This is handled the "smart way," with
spans that have different representations but equalling the same amount of time
considred to be equal. e.g. (eq PT1h PT60m)
will return #t
. Spans can be added
to or subtracted from each other to return a new span.
The JSON Pointer spec (RFC 6901) allows almost any character to appear in the path string. This includes control characters, whitespace, and NULLs. But to keep the syntax compatible with Policy expression syntax, JSON Pointers are currently limited to alphanumerics, '/' (forward slash), '~' (tilde), and '_' (underscore).
JSON can contain a number of different types, but not all of them are compatible with the Policy expression type system. Currently, only booleans, floats, and homogenous arrays of booleans or floats are supported. This excludes strings, objects, and arrays containing anything but supported primitive types.
It's also useful to understand how policy expressions were reached as a design. Previous versions of the design for plugins in Hipcheck, including RFD #3, imagined a distinction between "data" plugins which could produce arbitrary data, and "analysis" plugins which could only produce a boolean result to use for scoring. This distinction complicated the plugin system design, but was trying to address a real challenge: how do you permit some degree of flexibility for converting the results of analyses into a pass/fail determination to use for scoring?
Policy expressions were invented to permit end-users of Hipcheck some degree of flexibility in post-processing the results of an analysis to produce a pass/fail result. They also nicely fit with Hipcheck's ethos of putting users in control of determining what is considered too risky according to their own policy.
Finally, it's worth understanding the three options that are intended to exist for setting policy for scoring analysis results.
The following section describes how Hipcheck itself, the hc
binary, goes
about running and interacting with plugins through its flow. It is the
operational accompaniment to the description of the plugin gRPC interface
required of plugin authors, and should help to contextualize why that
interface is the way it is.
When a user runs Hipcheck today, there are several phases to execution, and several "flows" for information. The phases are:
Of the above steps, target resolution will continue to run before Hipcheck begins running plugins, so we can ignore it for the purposes of this RFD. By the time plugin execution of any kind has begun, Hipcheck has resolved the user's provided target specifier into a full target which at minimum includes a Git repository cloned locally, and may include additional data like a remote package host or remote Git repository.
The remainder of this section breaks down the interaction with plugins at each step of Hipcheck's execution.
This stage has several subparts:
We'll likely want to offer an --offline
flag and/or configuration
item which the user could use to tell Hipcheck not to download
plugins itself. In that case, it would be up to the user to place
plugins into the Hipcheck plugin cache themselves.
At the end of this stage, all of Hipcheck's plugins are running, their configurations have been validated and set, and Hipcheck is prepared to execute the requested analyses.
The policy file is described in detail above in this RFD, so we will not re-address the format of the file or the schema of its contents.
Plugin resolution is also not yet fully described, though the end goal is that all requested plugins have been installed locally and are prepared to run.
Hipcheck will manage all port assignments and any future networking configuration of plugins. All plugins must accept a CLI input to configure their assigned port number. This is the number that Hipcheck will use to communicate with each plugin over gRPC.
Each analysis
block in the policy file may have child attributes, which
are passed to the associated plugin via a gRPC call for validation. Before
being passed, they will be converted to JSON. Each plugin is then expected
to validate that the provided configuration items matched the plugin's
own requirements.
At this stage, Hipcheck will also use a gRPC call to request each plugin provide a JSON schema for the results of its analysis. This will be used to validate and typecheck any policy expression provided by the user, and during execution of the analyses will be used by Hipcheck to validate data returned by the plugin.
The analysis phase is the main plugin-relevant phase during Hipcheck execution. In this phase, Hipcheck begins, in parallel, the execution of each analysis requested by the user in their policy file.
This is done with hc
starting a bidirectional streaming RPC call with
each plugin. The protocol followed within that RPC call is what we'll call the
"query protocol," which is what's described in this section.
The query protocol begins with Hipcheck issuing default queries to each of the plugins specified in the user's policy file, providing the plugin with a JSON representation of the "target" resolved by Hipcheck in the target resolution phase.
In the query protocol, plugins may also make queries to other plugins
through Hipcheck. This is done by sending Query
messages back with
the publisher_name
and plugin_name
indicating how Hipcheck should
route the plugin, and query_name
and key
indicating the query to make
and the input parameters to pass. Those four values together are used
by Hipcheck to cache the results of queries so that queries with
matching keys are only computed once. This is especially helpful for
expensive queries like computing Git diffs for all commits, on which
some existing analyses in Hipcheck rely.
Chunking for queries is handled with a QueryState
enum; a query response
which is chunked can use the QUERY_REPLY_IN_PROGRESS
state to indicate
that further chunks are expected, and then complete the reply with
Queries made in the protocol have an id
associated with them. Odd-numbered
s are used by Hipcheck itself, even-numbered IDs are used by plugins. This
is used to associate query responses to query requests based on matching id
The query protocol completes when the initial default query issued by Hipcheck receives a complete response. When all top-level queries have completed, the analysis phase is complete and Hipcheck may move on to scoring.
The construction of the scoring tree is defined by the user's nesting of
and category
blocks inside the analyze
block of their policy
file. This scoring tree is then filled with the results of running the
listed analyses, applying either the default or user-provided policy
expression to their results, and then combining that score tree with the
user's configured weights to reduce to an overall risk score. That risk score
is then evaluated based on the user's overall "investigate" policy, to produce
a pass / investigate recommendation.
This stage does not involve any interaction with plugins, which are expected to have completed their execution by this point.
Target Triples are a mechanism used by many tools across language ecosystems to specify the ABI (Application Binary Interface) compatibility of programs with platforms. The ABI determines whether two separately-compiled code artifacts will be able to be linked together, and is based on the hardware, operating system, and sometimes additional information like configuration or toolchain of the system being used. In fact, the "triple" in the name "target triple" is misleading, as these "triples" may include more than three segments in order to fully specify ABI-compatibility-relevant information about target platforms.
There is no singular canonical list of consistent target triples across tools and ecosystems, unfortunately. In our case, we do not need to solve the problem of identifying arbitrary target triples in general, and can instead worry about defining target triples for the architectures where Hipcheck itself can run. Since Hipcheck is written in Rust, we adopt the Rust list of target triple names. While today Hipcheck provides pre-built binaries for some platforms, it is theoretically able to run on any platform for which Rust can compile.
The list of officially-supported target triples for Hipcheck today is:
: Used for macOS running on "Apple Silicon" running on
a 64-bit ARM Instruction Set Architecture (ISA).x86_64-apple-darwin
: Used for macOS running on the Intel 64-bit ISA.x86_64-pc-windows-msvc
: Used for Windows running on the Intel 64-bit ISA
with the Microsoft Visual Studio Code toolchain for compilation.x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
: Used for Linux operating systems running on the
Intel 64-bit ISA with a GNU toolchain for compilation.The full list of targets supported by Rust is updated over time. The Rust
project officially documents its list of supported platforms,
and you can see what targets are supported by your currently-installed Rust
toolchain with the command rustc --print target-list
In theory, plugins for Hipcheck may be built for any of these specific architectures.