Target Resolution Refactor

In Hipcheck, the target resolution process finds a repository matching the specifications a user provides on the command line in the form of a target specifier string, optional type hint, and additional arguments. It then copies or clones that repository to the Hipcheck cache and checks it out to a suitable commit. As the Hipcheck team works to implement RFD #4, Hipcheck as a codebase will transition from housing analysis techniques to becoming an engine for orchestrating analyses implemented by plugins. As a result of this transition, the target resolution phase will become a more essential and critical part of what the core Hipcheck repo does.

As the Hipcheck team looks to provide users with more flexibility in repo/commit specification (such as via the --ref argument for hc check), we have found it difficult to debug the existing resolution code and add new features to it, which is a good indication that the resolution subsystem needs a rewrite. This RFD aims to do the following:

  • Clearly establish the design goals of the refactor
  • Offer a new design that meets these goals

An Illustrating Example

An example of a pain point in the existing codebase involves how package versions are treated by the later remote repo resolution phase. When a user targets a package for analysis, they may provide a version number in the target string itself (e.g. node-ipc@10.1.0), or provide a git reference to checkout via the --ref flag. We do perform a sanity-check before we even get to target resolution that a user hasn't provided both a version string and a --ref flag. However, once we get to doing RemoteGitRepo resolution, the version string if provided collapses down to the same parameter as the --ref flag, refspec. We've discovered that (unsurprisingly), a package's version numbering scheme doesn't always map directly to the tags in its repository (e.g. hipcheck version 3.5.0 has the tag hipcheck-v3.5.0, not simply 3.5.0). Therefore, specifically when we go through Package resolution, we would like to be able to do "fuzzy matching" of the version to tags in the repository. We need the local repository clone to be able to do that matching, but once we get to cloning/updating a remote repository on the local machine, we have lost the context that we started resolving from a package and that we would like to handle the ref checkout differently if an error occurs (e.g. because the version passed as a ref does not directly match a tag in the repository).

Fixing this problem requires designing the resolution in such a way that it remembers the context of previous resolution steps.

Refactoring Goals

Overarching goals of the refactor are as follows:

Increased debugability

A developer's ability to debug the target resolution subsystem will be proportional to how clearly the code itself reflects the business logic we want the resolution to follow. This includes clearly delineating the "phases" of resolution and what class of logic belongs where. For example, in the example above, is version fuzzy-matching logic something that the "package resolution" function should handle when the inner "remote repo resolution" function fails, or should it be a part of the "checkout" function that is aware of the context that it is operating on something that was previously a package?

Maintaining resolution state

Knowing what previous resolution steps were taken, being able to access what they produced, being able to mutate internal state of the yet-unfinished Target struct are important to allow custom logic for particular resolution "paths". As the illustrating example shows, the current resolution subsystem does not adequately convey context to subsequent resolution step.

Distinguish between valid and unfinished resolutions

A principled design will make it easy to distinguish between a "finished" representation of a Target and one that is actively being modified as part of resolution.

A Potential Design


struct TargetSeed {
    // What was passed on the CLI
    pub specifier: String,
    // What we resolved from it
    pub kind: TargetSeedKind,
    // Options related to repo resolution
    pub refspec: Option<String>,

struct Target {
    pub specifier: String,
	// All instances must point to a valid repository
    pub local: LocalGitRepo,
    pub remote: Option<RemoteGitRepo>,
    pub package: Option<Package>

One of the issues with the current design is that we do a direct transition from TargetSeed to Target, with no intermedate state. Target was designed to represent a ground-truth, "finished" resolution, and so the local field is non-optional - indicating a Target instance should always be pointing to a valid local repository. So although our refactor design goals involve maintaining state during resolution, Target itself is not ideal for this role as we need to put a dummy value for local until we finish cloning a repository to the cache when our seed is anything but existing local repository.

struct TargetResolver {
    seed: TargetSeed,
    local: Option<LocalGitRepo>,
    remote: Option<RemoteGitRepo>,
    package: Option<Package>,
    maven: Option<MavenPackage>,
    sbom: Option<Sbom>,

Enter the TargetResolver. This struct takes over from Target as the intermediate resolution state. All of the fields are meant to be mutable except for seed, which ensures resolution steps can always refer to exactly what was originally passed. As intermediate resolution steps are taken, corresponding optional fields (initialized to None) are set to Some(_). Not all fields need be filled with a Some value, but eventually once local.is_some() we know the resolution is finished and we can synthesize and return a Target. This achieves the design goal of distinguishing finished and unfinished resolutions; once another piece of code gets a Target instance, all the package version, git ref, and other information can be trusted to be accurate. Note that this contains maven, and sbom fields that are not in Target. We expect that once a Target is resolved, these fields will not be of interest for analysis.

Resolution phase organization

To define how resolution goes from a loose bag of Option values to a Target, we applied the Strategy design pattern. We define a trait ResolveRepo for each TargetSeedKind variant to determine the steps it will take.

trait ResolveRepo {
    fn resolve(self, t: &mut TargetResolver) -> Result<LocalGitRepo>;

Generally, the idea is for a type to produce another TargetSeedKind type, and then invoke that type's resolve() implementation. The function takes a mutable reference to TargetResolver, allowing the state to be mutated and then passed to the next resolve().

impl ResolveRepo for Sbom {
    fn resolve(self, t: &mut TargetResolver) -> Result<LocalGitRepo> {
        let sbom = t.sbom.as_ref().unwrap();
        // sbom_to_package()
        let p: Package = todo!();
        // Update the resolver context
        t.package = Some(p.clone());
        // Move onto resolving the package

Instead of returning a Result<Target>, we return a Result<LocalGitRepo>, allowing the TargetResolver class itself to produce and return the Target.

impl TargetResolver {
	pub fn resolve(seed: TargetSeed) -> Result<Target> {
        let mut resolver = TargetResolver {
            seed: seed.clone(),
            local: None,
            remote: None,
            package: None,
            maven: None,
            sbom: None,
        use TargetSeedKind::*;
		// Resolution logic depends on seed
        let local = match seed.kind {
            Sbom(sbom) => {
                resolver.sbom = Some(sbom.clone());
                sbom.resolve(&mut resolver)
            MavenPackage(maven) => {
                resolver.maven = Some(maven.clone());
                maven.resolve(&mut resolver)
            Package(pkg) => {
                resolver.package = Some(pkg.clone());
                pkg.resolve(&mut resolver)
            RemoteRepo(repo) => {
                resolver.remote = Some(repo.clone());
                repo.resolve(&mut resolver)
            LocalRepo(local) => {
                resolver.local = Some(local.clone());
                local.resolve(&mut resolver)
        // Finally piece together the Target with the non-optional local repo
        Ok(Target {
            seed: resolver.seed,
            remote: resolver.remote,
            package: resolver.package,

Context-aware logic

With this design, we make the choice to organize logic by subphase rather than by TargetSeedKind type. Referring back to the illustrating example, although the fuzzy version matching logic is specific to resolution paths with a Package ancestry, instead of in Package::resolve() we will implement that logic in LocalGitRepo::resolve(), leveraging the context provided by the passed TargetResolver to allow us to express this logic. For example:

impl TargetResolver {
    pub fn get_checkout_target(&mut self) -> Result<String> {
        let res = if let Some(pkg) = &self.package {
            // if version != "no version", try fuzzy match against repo, we know
            // we already have a local repo to use
            // if version fuzzy match fails, and self.seed.ignore_version_errors, use "origin/HEAD"
        } else if let Some(refspec) = &self.seed.refspec {
            // if ref provided on CLI, use that
        } else {
            use TargetSeedKind::*;
            match &self.seed.kind {
                LocalRepo(_) => "HEAD",
                RemoteRepo(_) => "origin/HEAD",
                _ => { return Err(anyhow!("please provide --ref")); }

impl ResolveRepo for LocalGitRepo {
    fn resolve(self, t: &mut TargetResolver) -> Result<LocalGitRepo> {
        let checkout_tgt: String = t.get_checkout_target()?;

This get_checkout_target() function returns what ref the local repo should be changed to point to. See that we are able to express the custom version fuzzy-matching if the resolution ancestry includes a package, plus custom default targets if the TargetSeedKind was a local or remote git repo.

Full Pseudocode

struct TargetSeed {
    // What was passed on the CLI
    pub specifier: String,
    // What we resolved from it
    pub kind: TargetSeedKind,
    // Options related to repo resolution
    pub refspec: Option<String>,
    pub ignore_version_errors: bool,

struct Target {
    pub seed: TargetSeed,
    pub local: LocalGitRepo,
    pub remote: Option<RemoteGitRepo>,
    pub package: Option<Package>

struct TargetResolver {
    seed: TargetSeed,
    local: Option<LocalGitRepo>,
    remote: Option<RemoteGitRepo>,
    package: Option<Package>,
    maven: Option<MavenPackage>,
    sbom: Option<Sbom>,

impl TargetResolver {
    pub fn get_checkout_target(&mut self) -> Result<String> {
        let res = if let Some(pkg) = &self.package {
            // if version != "no version", try fuzzy match against repo, we know
            // we already have a local repo to use
            // if version fuzzy match fails, and self.seed.ignore_version_errors, use "origin/HEAD"
        } else if let Some(refspec) = &self.seed.refspec {
            // if ref provided on CLI, use that
        } else {
            use TargetSeedKind::*;
            match &self.seed.kind {
                LocalRepo(_) => "HEAD",
                RemoteRepo(_) => "origin/HEAD",
                _ => { return Err(anyhow!("please provide --ref")); }

    pub fn resolve(seed: TargetSeed) -> Result<Target> {
        let mut resolver = TargetResolver {
            seed: seed.clone(),
            local: None,
            remote: None,
            package: None,
            maven: None,
            sbom: None,

        use TargetSeedKind::*;

        // Resolution logic depends on seed
        let local = match seed.kind {
            Sbom(sbom) => {
                resolver.sbom = Some(sbom.clone());
                sbom.resolve(&mut resolver)
            MavenPackage(maven) => {
                resolver.maven = Some(maven.clone());
                maven.resolve(&mut resolver)
            Package(pkg) => {
                resolver.package = Some(pkg.clone());
                pkg.resolve(&mut resolver)
            RemoteRepo(repo) => {
                resolver.remote = Some(repo.clone());
                repo.resolve(&mut resolver)
            LocalRepo(local) => {
                resolver.local = Some(local.clone());
                local.resolve(&mut resolver)

        // Finally piece together the Target with the non-optional local repo
        Ok(Target {
            seed: resolver.seed,
            remote: resolver.remote,
            package: resolver.package,

trait ResolveRepo {
    fn resolve(self, t: &mut TargetResolver) -> Result<LocalGitRepo>;

impl ResolveRepo for Package {
    fn resolve(self, t: &mut TargetResolver) -> Result<LocalGitRepo> {

impl ResolveRepo for MavenPackage {
    fn resolve(self, t: &mut TargetResolver) -> Result<LocalGitRepo> {

impl ResolveRepo for Sbom {
    fn resolve(self, t: &mut TargetResolver) -> Result<LocalGitRepo> {
        let sbom = t.sbom.as_ref().unwrap();
        // sbom_to_package()
        let p: Package = todo!();
        // Update the resolver context
        t.package = Some(p.clone());
        // Move onto resolving the package

impl ResolveRepo for RemoteGitRepo {
    fn resolve(self, t: &mut TargetResolver) -> Result<LocalGitRepo> {

impl ResolveRepo for LocalGitRepo {
    // logic for refspec/version resolution, can look at t.seed to distinguish
    // between the two
    fn resolve(self, t: &mut TargetResolver) -> Result<LocalGitRepo> {
        let checkout_tgt: String = t.get_checkout_target()?;
        // git::checkout(&checkout_tgt)?;