Batched Plugin Queries

Now that we've made substantial progress in converting legacy Hipcheck analysis implementations to plugins, we've identified the need for a way to "batch" queries for performance reasons. For example, the entropy and churn analyses rely on a "linguist" functionality that evaluates whether a given file in a repo contains source code. The plugin design philosophy would dictate that we separate the linguist functionality into its own plugin, with an endpoint is_likely_source_file(&Path) -> bool, and have churn and entropy each query that. But making a gRPC request from the entropy plugin for each file in a potentially large repository is likely to incur runtime costs.

Plugins can expose query endpoints that take a Vec<_> of objects and return a Vec<_> of reponses, but because salsa memo-ization operates on the entire query object, it would cache the entire Vec<_> as a key, and therefore any future Vec-based queries would not benefit from the memo-ization unless they were the exact same Vec in terms of size and order of elements.

Proposed Protocol Change

The current definition of a Query gRPC message in the Hipcheck v1 protocol includes the following fields:

message Query {

    // incremental computation system will use to cache the response.
    string key = 6;

    // The response for the query, as a JSON object. This will be cached by
    // Hipcheck for future queries matching the publisher name, plugin name,
    // query name, and key.
    string output = 7;

    // Concern chunking is the same as other fields.
    repeated string concern = 8;

We propose augmenting the key and output fields into repeated fields. From a gRPC perspective, this means that multiple key and output fields can appear in each message. Compiling this protobuf definition into a Rust language struct will have the effect of replacing key: String with key: Vec<String> and the same for output.

According to the proto3 language guide:

"For string, bytes, and message fields, singular is compatible with repeated. Given serialized data of a repeated field as input, clients that expect this field to be singular will take the last input value if it’s a primitive type field or merge all input elements if it’s a message type field. Note that this is not generally safe for numeric types, including bools and enums. Repeated fields of numeric types are serialized in the packed format by default, which will not be parsed correctly when a singular field is expected."

Therefore making this change should not break compatibility with any plugins compiled using the existing protocol definition.

Protocol Changes to Support Chunking Algorithm

Since gRPC has a maximum message size, in Hipcheck core and SDK we use a chunking algorithm to break down messages estimated to be too large into a vector of acceptable "chunks" sent in serial.

Without the above proposed changes, key and output are String fields. It is easy to know how to compose the key field of two chunked message, you just append the content of the second message's key field to that of the first message. But when key becomes a Vec, combining two key fields becomes ambiguous. To maximize space usage, we may "split" up an element of the Vec and send half in the first message, half in the second. If we naively extend the Vecs, we'll fail to re-assemble the split element. To notify when the first element of key in a subsequent message should be combined with the last element in the key aggregator, we need to add a field to the Query struct definition in protobuf:

	bool split = 9;

Whenever we split a vec element, we will set this field to true in the same message. The recepient will note the "latest" Vec field to have content (in descending order: key, output, concern), and note that the next message chunk should have a first element in that field appended to the last of the current message. For example:

	key: vec!["abc", "def"]
	output: vec!["hi"]
	concern: vec![]
	split: true

Upon receiving the above message, the recipient will expect to append the first element of the next message's output vector to "hi".

Associated Change to Querying Plugins from Rust SDK

With the above protocol changes, under the hood the key field of a query object will be a Vec<String> instead of a singular String.

We propose to leave the current PluginEngine::query(key: Value) function API intact. Under the hood we will simply wrap key into a single-element vector. We will add a second function PluginEngine::batch_query(keys: Vec<Value>) which will not do any additional wrapping of the keys field and insert it as-is into the protobuf Query struct once each key has been JSON-serialized.

We propose also to create a PluginEngine::batch(target: String) function, which returns an instance struct that exposes a query(key: Value) function. This struct instance will aggregate key values to use as separate queries to a given target query endpoint, and send them all as a single batched query when the instance goes out of scope.

Associated Change to Hipcheck Core

Since we want to make full use of salsa memo-ization, when the Hipcheck core query engine receives a request from a plugin to another plugin that contains a key: Vec<String> with length greater than one, it will split out each element and make a separate salsa request for it.

As a result, no plugin should expect to receive a query where the key field has more than one element, and doing so should be considered an error.

Once the result of querying a plugin on each element of key is finished, Hipcheck core will package the results into an array of equal length where the result at each index corresponds with the key value each each index of key, and return the generated QueryResponse object to the requesting plugin.