Module ilpyt.agents.heuristic_agent

Heuristic agents for various OpenAI Gym environments. The agent policies, in this case, are deterministic functions, and often handcrafted or found by non-gradient optimization algorithms, such as evolutionary strategies.

Many of the heuristic policies were adapted from the following source:

 title     = {Reinforcement Learning: Theory and {Python} Implementation},
 author    = {Zhiqing Xiao}
 publisher = {Springer Nature},
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Heuristic agents for various OpenAI Gym environments. The agent policies, in 
this case, are deterministic functions, and often handcrafted or found by 
non-gradient optimization algorithms, such as evolutionary strategies.

Many of the heuristic policies were adapted from the following source:
 title     = {Reinforcement Learning: Theory and {Python} Implementation},
 author    = {Zhiqing Xiao}
 publisher = {Springer Nature},

from typing import Dict

import numpy as np
import torch

from ilpyt.agents.base_agent import BaseAgent

class LunarLanderContinuousHeuristicAgent(BaseAgent):
    Heuristic policy for the OpenAI Gym LunarLanderContinuous-v2 environment.
    Adapted from the OpenAI Gym repository:

    def initialize(self) -> None:
        Pass. Heuristic agents do not require any initialization."

    def step(self, state: torch.Tensor) -> np.ndarray:
        Find best action for the given state.

        state: torch.Tensor
            state tensor, of size (batch_size, 8) with attributes 
            [horizontal coordinate, vertical coordinate, horizontal speed, 
            vertical speed, angle, angular speed, first leg contact, 
            second leg contact]

            selected actions, of size (batch_size, 2)
        batch_size = len(state)

        angle_targ = (
            state[:, 0] * 0.5 + state[:, 2] * 1.0
        )  # angle point towards center
        angle_targ = torch.clip(angle_targ, -0.4, 0.4)
        hover_targ = 0.55 * torch.abs(state[:, 0])  # target y proportional to
        # horizontal offset

        angle = (angle_targ - state[:, 4]) * 0.5 - (state[:, 5]) * 1.0
        hover = (hover_targ - state[:, 1]) * 0.5 - (state[:, 3]) * 0.5

        for i in range(batch_size):
            if state[i, 6] or state[i, 7]:  # legs have contact
                angle[i] = 0
                hover[i] = -(state[i, 3]) * 0.5  # override to reduce fall speed

        a = torch.stack([hover * 20 - 1, -angle * 20], dim=-1)
        a = torch.clamp(a, -1, +1)
        return a.cpu().numpy()

    def update(self, batch: Dict[str, torch.Tensor]) -> Dict[str, float]:
        Pass. Heuristic agents do not update their agent policies.
        return {}

class LunarLanderHeuristicAgent(BaseAgent):
    Heuristic policy for the OpenAI Gym LunarLander-v2 environment.
    Adapted from the book 'Reinforcement Learning: Theory and Python Implementation':

    def initialize(self):
        Pass. Heuristic agents do not require any initialization."

    def step(self, state: torch.Tensor):
        Find best action for the given state.

        state (torch.Tensor):
            state tensor, of size (batch_size, 8) with attributes 
            [horizontal coordinate, vertical coordinate, horizontal speed, 
            vertical speed, angle, angular speed, first leg contact, 
            second leg contact]

            selected actions, of size (batch_size, action_shape)
        batch_size = len(state)

        angle_targ = (
            state[:, 0] * 0.5 + state[:, 2] * 1.0
        )  # angle point towards center
        angle_targ = torch.clip(angle_targ, -0.4, 0.4)
        hover_targ = 0.55 * torch.abs(state[:, 0])  # target y proportional to
        # horizontal offset

        angle = (angle_targ - state[:, 4]) * 0.5 - (state[:, 5]) * 1.0
        hover = (hover_targ - state[:, 1]) * 0.5 - (state[:, 3]) * 0.5

        for i in range(batch_size):
            if state[i, 6] or state[i, 7]:  # legs have contact
                angle[i] = 0
                hover[i] = -(state[i, 3]) * 0.5  # override to reduce fall speed

        a = np.zeros(batch_size, dtype=np.uint8)
        for i in range(batch_size):
            if hover[i] > torch.abs(angle[i]) and hover[i] > 0.05:
                a[i] = 2
            elif angle[i] < -0.05:
                a[i] = 3
            elif angle[i] > +0.05:
                a[i] = 1
        return a

    def update(self, batch: Dict[str, torch.Tensor]) -> Dict[str, float]:
        Pass. Heuristic agents do not update their agent policies.
        return {}

class CartPoleHeuristicAgent(BaseAgent):
    Heuristic agent for the OpenAI Gym CartPole-v0 environment.
    Adapted from the book 'Reinforcement Learning: Theory and Python Implementation':

    def initialize(self):
        Pass. Heuristic agents do not require any initialization."

    def step(self, state: torch.Tensor) -> np.ndarray:
        Find best action for the given state. The overall policy followed by the 
        CartPole agent: push right when 3*angle + angle_velocity > 0.

        state: torch.Tensor
            state tensor of size (batch_size, 4) with attributes 
            [cart position, cart velocity, pole angle, pole velocity at tip]

            action, of shape (batch_size, ) where 0= push cart to left, 1 = push cart to right
        angle, angle_velocity = state[:, 2], state[:, 3]
        a = (3 * angle + angle_velocity) > 0
        return a.cpu().long().numpy()

    def update(self, batch: Dict[str, torch.Tensor]) -> Dict[str, float]:
        Pass. Heuristic agents do not update their agent policies.
        return {}

class MountainCarHeuristicAgent(BaseAgent):
    Fixed deterministic policy for the OpenAI gym MountainCar-v0 environment.
    Adapted from the book 'Reinforcement Learning: Theory and Python Implementation':

    def initialize(self):
        Pass. Heuristic agents do not require any initialization."

    def step(self, state: torch.Tensor) -> np.ndarray:
        Find best action for the given state. Push right when satisfying a 
        certain condition; otherwise push left.

        state: torch.Tensor
            state tensor of size (batch_size, 2) with attributes 
            [position, velocity]
            discrete action of shape (batch_size, ) where 
            0 = push left, 1 = no push, 2 = push right
        actions = []
        positions, velocities = state[:, 0], state[:, 1]
        for (position, velocity) in zip(positions, velocities):
            lb = min(
                -0.09 * (position + 0.25) ** 2 + 0.03,
                0.3 * (position + 0.9) ** 4 - 0.008,
            ub = -0.07 * (position + 0.38) ** 2 + 0.07
            if lb < velocity < ub:
                action = 2  # push right
                action = 0  # push left
        return actions

    def update(self, batch: Dict[str, torch.Tensor]) -> Dict[str, float]:
        Pass. Heuristic agents do not update their agent policies.
        return {}

class MountainCarContinuousHeuristicAgent(BaseAgent):
    Heuristic agent for the OpenAI Gym MountainCarContinuous-v0 environment.
    Adapted from the book 'Reinforcement Learning: Theory and Python Implementation':

    def initialize(self):
        Pass. Heuristic agents do not require any initialization."

    def step(self, state: torch.Tensor) -> np.ndarray:
        Find best action for the given state. Push right when satisfying a 
        certain condition; otherwise push left.

        state: torch.Tensor
            state tensor of size (batch_size, 2) with attributes 
            [position, velocity]

            continuous action of shape (batch_size, ) - pushing the car to the 
            left or to the right
        positions, velocities = state[:, 0], state[:, 1]
        actions = []
        for (position, velocity) in zip(positions, velocities):
            if position > -4 * velocity or position < 13 * velocity - 0.6:
                force = 1.0
                force = -1.0
        return actions

    def update(self, batch: Dict[str, torch.Tensor]) -> Dict[str, float]:
        Pass. Heuristic agents do not update their agent policies.
        return {}


class CartPoleHeuristicAgent (**kwargs)

Heuristic agent for the OpenAI Gym CartPole-v0 environment. Adapted from the book 'Reinforcement Learning: Theory and Python Implementation':

By default, the agent will be in train mode and be configured to use the cpu for step and update calls.


**kwargs: arbitrary keyword arguments that will be passed to the initialize function

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class CartPoleHeuristicAgent(BaseAgent):
    Heuristic agent for the OpenAI Gym CartPole-v0 environment.
    Adapted from the book 'Reinforcement Learning: Theory and Python Implementation':

    def initialize(self):
        Pass. Heuristic agents do not require any initialization."

    def step(self, state: torch.Tensor) -> np.ndarray:
        Find best action for the given state. The overall policy followed by the 
        CartPole agent: push right when 3*angle + angle_velocity > 0.

        state: torch.Tensor
            state tensor of size (batch_size, 4) with attributes 
            [cart position, cart velocity, pole angle, pole velocity at tip]

            action, of shape (batch_size, ) where 0= push cart to left, 1 = push cart to right
        angle, angle_velocity = state[:, 2], state[:, 3]
        a = (3 * angle + angle_velocity) > 0
        return a.cpu().long().numpy()

    def update(self, batch: Dict[str, torch.Tensor]) -> Dict[str, float]:
        Pass. Heuristic agents do not update their agent policies.
        return {}



def initialize(self)

Pass. Heuristic agents do not require any initialization."

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def initialize(self):
    Pass. Heuristic agents do not require any initialization."
def step(self, state: torch.Tensor) ‑> numpy.ndarray

Find best action for the given state. The overall policy followed by the CartPole agent: push right when 3*angle + angle_velocity > 0.


state : torch.Tensor
state tensor of size (batch_size, 4) with attributes [cart position, cart velocity, pole angle, pole velocity at tip]


action, of shape (batch_size, ) where 0= push cart to left, 1 = push cart to right
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def step(self, state: torch.Tensor) -> np.ndarray:
    Find best action for the given state. The overall policy followed by the 
    CartPole agent: push right when 3*angle + angle_velocity > 0.

    state: torch.Tensor
        state tensor of size (batch_size, 4) with attributes 
        [cart position, cart velocity, pole angle, pole velocity at tip]

        action, of shape (batch_size, ) where 0= push cart to left, 1 = push cart to right
    angle, angle_velocity = state[:, 2], state[:, 3]
    a = (3 * angle + angle_velocity) > 0
    return a.cpu().long().numpy()
def update(self, batch: Dict[str, torch.Tensor]) ‑> Dict[str, float]

Pass. Heuristic agents do not update their agent policies.

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def update(self, batch: Dict[str, torch.Tensor]) -> Dict[str, float]:
    Pass. Heuristic agents do not update their agent policies.
    return {}

Inherited members

class LunarLanderContinuousHeuristicAgent (**kwargs)

Heuristic policy for the OpenAI Gym LunarLanderContinuous-v2 environment. Adapted from the OpenAI Gym repository:

By default, the agent will be in train mode and be configured to use the cpu for step and update calls.


**kwargs: arbitrary keyword arguments that will be passed to the initialize function

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class LunarLanderContinuousHeuristicAgent(BaseAgent):
    Heuristic policy for the OpenAI Gym LunarLanderContinuous-v2 environment.
    Adapted from the OpenAI Gym repository:

    def initialize(self) -> None:
        Pass. Heuristic agents do not require any initialization."

    def step(self, state: torch.Tensor) -> np.ndarray:
        Find best action for the given state.

        state: torch.Tensor
            state tensor, of size (batch_size, 8) with attributes 
            [horizontal coordinate, vertical coordinate, horizontal speed, 
            vertical speed, angle, angular speed, first leg contact, 
            second leg contact]

            selected actions, of size (batch_size, 2)
        batch_size = len(state)

        angle_targ = (
            state[:, 0] * 0.5 + state[:, 2] * 1.0
        )  # angle point towards center
        angle_targ = torch.clip(angle_targ, -0.4, 0.4)
        hover_targ = 0.55 * torch.abs(state[:, 0])  # target y proportional to
        # horizontal offset

        angle = (angle_targ - state[:, 4]) * 0.5 - (state[:, 5]) * 1.0
        hover = (hover_targ - state[:, 1]) * 0.5 - (state[:, 3]) * 0.5

        for i in range(batch_size):
            if state[i, 6] or state[i, 7]:  # legs have contact
                angle[i] = 0
                hover[i] = -(state[i, 3]) * 0.5  # override to reduce fall speed

        a = torch.stack([hover * 20 - 1, -angle * 20], dim=-1)
        a = torch.clamp(a, -1, +1)
        return a.cpu().numpy()

    def update(self, batch: Dict[str, torch.Tensor]) -> Dict[str, float]:
        Pass. Heuristic agents do not update their agent policies.
        return {}



def initialize(self) ‑> NoneType

Pass. Heuristic agents do not require any initialization."

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def initialize(self) -> None:
    Pass. Heuristic agents do not require any initialization."
def step(self, state: torch.Tensor) ‑> numpy.ndarray

Find best action for the given state.


state : torch.Tensor
state tensor, of size (batch_size, 8) with attributes [horizontal coordinate, vertical coordinate, horizontal speed, vertical speed, angle, angular speed, first leg contact, second leg contact]


selected actions, of size (batch_size, 2)
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def step(self, state: torch.Tensor) -> np.ndarray:
    Find best action for the given state.

    state: torch.Tensor
        state tensor, of size (batch_size, 8) with attributes 
        [horizontal coordinate, vertical coordinate, horizontal speed, 
        vertical speed, angle, angular speed, first leg contact, 
        second leg contact]

        selected actions, of size (batch_size, 2)
    batch_size = len(state)

    angle_targ = (
        state[:, 0] * 0.5 + state[:, 2] * 1.0
    )  # angle point towards center
    angle_targ = torch.clip(angle_targ, -0.4, 0.4)
    hover_targ = 0.55 * torch.abs(state[:, 0])  # target y proportional to
    # horizontal offset

    angle = (angle_targ - state[:, 4]) * 0.5 - (state[:, 5]) * 1.0
    hover = (hover_targ - state[:, 1]) * 0.5 - (state[:, 3]) * 0.5

    for i in range(batch_size):
        if state[i, 6] or state[i, 7]:  # legs have contact
            angle[i] = 0
            hover[i] = -(state[i, 3]) * 0.5  # override to reduce fall speed

    a = torch.stack([hover * 20 - 1, -angle * 20], dim=-1)
    a = torch.clamp(a, -1, +1)
    return a.cpu().numpy()
def update(self, batch: Dict[str, torch.Tensor]) ‑> Dict[str, float]

Pass. Heuristic agents do not update their agent policies.

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def update(self, batch: Dict[str, torch.Tensor]) -> Dict[str, float]:
    Pass. Heuristic agents do not update their agent policies.
    return {}

Inherited members

class LunarLanderHeuristicAgent (**kwargs)

Heuristic policy for the OpenAI Gym LunarLander-v2 environment. Adapted from the book 'Reinforcement Learning: Theory and Python Implementation':

By default, the agent will be in train mode and be configured to use the cpu for step and update calls.


**kwargs: arbitrary keyword arguments that will be passed to the initialize function

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class LunarLanderHeuristicAgent(BaseAgent):
    Heuristic policy for the OpenAI Gym LunarLander-v2 environment.
    Adapted from the book 'Reinforcement Learning: Theory and Python Implementation':

    def initialize(self):
        Pass. Heuristic agents do not require any initialization."

    def step(self, state: torch.Tensor):
        Find best action for the given state.

        state (torch.Tensor):
            state tensor, of size (batch_size, 8) with attributes 
            [horizontal coordinate, vertical coordinate, horizontal speed, 
            vertical speed, angle, angular speed, first leg contact, 
            second leg contact]

            selected actions, of size (batch_size, action_shape)
        batch_size = len(state)

        angle_targ = (
            state[:, 0] * 0.5 + state[:, 2] * 1.0
        )  # angle point towards center
        angle_targ = torch.clip(angle_targ, -0.4, 0.4)
        hover_targ = 0.55 * torch.abs(state[:, 0])  # target y proportional to
        # horizontal offset

        angle = (angle_targ - state[:, 4]) * 0.5 - (state[:, 5]) * 1.0
        hover = (hover_targ - state[:, 1]) * 0.5 - (state[:, 3]) * 0.5

        for i in range(batch_size):
            if state[i, 6] or state[i, 7]:  # legs have contact
                angle[i] = 0
                hover[i] = -(state[i, 3]) * 0.5  # override to reduce fall speed

        a = np.zeros(batch_size, dtype=np.uint8)
        for i in range(batch_size):
            if hover[i] > torch.abs(angle[i]) and hover[i] > 0.05:
                a[i] = 2
            elif angle[i] < -0.05:
                a[i] = 3
            elif angle[i] > +0.05:
                a[i] = 1
        return a

    def update(self, batch: Dict[str, torch.Tensor]) -> Dict[str, float]:
        Pass. Heuristic agents do not update their agent policies.
        return {}



def initialize(self)

Pass. Heuristic agents do not require any initialization."

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def initialize(self):
    Pass. Heuristic agents do not require any initialization."
def step(self, state: torch.Tensor)

Find best action for the given state.


state (torch.Tensor): state tensor, of size (batch_size, 8) with attributes [horizontal coordinate, vertical coordinate, horizontal speed, vertical speed, angle, angular speed, first leg contact, second leg contact]


selected actions, of size (batch_size, action_shape)
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def step(self, state: torch.Tensor):
    Find best action for the given state.

    state (torch.Tensor):
        state tensor, of size (batch_size, 8) with attributes 
        [horizontal coordinate, vertical coordinate, horizontal speed, 
        vertical speed, angle, angular speed, first leg contact, 
        second leg contact]

        selected actions, of size (batch_size, action_shape)
    batch_size = len(state)

    angle_targ = (
        state[:, 0] * 0.5 + state[:, 2] * 1.0
    )  # angle point towards center
    angle_targ = torch.clip(angle_targ, -0.4, 0.4)
    hover_targ = 0.55 * torch.abs(state[:, 0])  # target y proportional to
    # horizontal offset

    angle = (angle_targ - state[:, 4]) * 0.5 - (state[:, 5]) * 1.0
    hover = (hover_targ - state[:, 1]) * 0.5 - (state[:, 3]) * 0.5

    for i in range(batch_size):
        if state[i, 6] or state[i, 7]:  # legs have contact
            angle[i] = 0
            hover[i] = -(state[i, 3]) * 0.5  # override to reduce fall speed

    a = np.zeros(batch_size, dtype=np.uint8)
    for i in range(batch_size):
        if hover[i] > torch.abs(angle[i]) and hover[i] > 0.05:
            a[i] = 2
        elif angle[i] < -0.05:
            a[i] = 3
        elif angle[i] > +0.05:
            a[i] = 1
    return a
def update(self, batch: Dict[str, torch.Tensor]) ‑> Dict[str, float]

Pass. Heuristic agents do not update their agent policies.

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def update(self, batch: Dict[str, torch.Tensor]) -> Dict[str, float]:
    Pass. Heuristic agents do not update their agent policies.
    return {}

Inherited members

class MountainCarContinuousHeuristicAgent (**kwargs)

Heuristic agent for the OpenAI Gym MountainCarContinuous-v0 environment. Adapted from the book 'Reinforcement Learning: Theory and Python Implementation':

By default, the agent will be in train mode and be configured to use the cpu for step and update calls.


**kwargs: arbitrary keyword arguments that will be passed to the initialize function

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class MountainCarContinuousHeuristicAgent(BaseAgent):
    Heuristic agent for the OpenAI Gym MountainCarContinuous-v0 environment.
    Adapted from the book 'Reinforcement Learning: Theory and Python Implementation':

    def initialize(self):
        Pass. Heuristic agents do not require any initialization."

    def step(self, state: torch.Tensor) -> np.ndarray:
        Find best action for the given state. Push right when satisfying a 
        certain condition; otherwise push left.

        state: torch.Tensor
            state tensor of size (batch_size, 2) with attributes 
            [position, velocity]

            continuous action of shape (batch_size, ) - pushing the car to the 
            left or to the right
        positions, velocities = state[:, 0], state[:, 1]
        actions = []
        for (position, velocity) in zip(positions, velocities):
            if position > -4 * velocity or position < 13 * velocity - 0.6:
                force = 1.0
                force = -1.0
        return actions

    def update(self, batch: Dict[str, torch.Tensor]) -> Dict[str, float]:
        Pass. Heuristic agents do not update their agent policies.
        return {}



def initialize(self)

Pass. Heuristic agents do not require any initialization."

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def initialize(self):
    Pass. Heuristic agents do not require any initialization."
def step(self, state: torch.Tensor) ‑> numpy.ndarray

Find best action for the given state. Push right when satisfying a certain condition; otherwise push left.


state : torch.Tensor
state tensor of size (batch_size, 2) with attributes [position, velocity]


continuous action of shape (batch_size, ) - pushing the car to the left or to the right
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def step(self, state: torch.Tensor) -> np.ndarray:
    Find best action for the given state. Push right when satisfying a 
    certain condition; otherwise push left.

    state: torch.Tensor
        state tensor of size (batch_size, 2) with attributes 
        [position, velocity]

        continuous action of shape (batch_size, ) - pushing the car to the 
        left or to the right
    positions, velocities = state[:, 0], state[:, 1]
    actions = []
    for (position, velocity) in zip(positions, velocities):
        if position > -4 * velocity or position < 13 * velocity - 0.6:
            force = 1.0
            force = -1.0
    return actions
def update(self, batch: Dict[str, torch.Tensor]) ‑> Dict[str, float]

Pass. Heuristic agents do not update their agent policies.

Expand source code
def update(self, batch: Dict[str, torch.Tensor]) -> Dict[str, float]:
    Pass. Heuristic agents do not update their agent policies.
    return {}

Inherited members

class MountainCarHeuristicAgent (**kwargs)

Fixed deterministic policy for the OpenAI gym MountainCar-v0 environment. Adapted from the book 'Reinforcement Learning: Theory and Python Implementation':

By default, the agent will be in train mode and be configured to use the cpu for step and update calls.


**kwargs: arbitrary keyword arguments that will be passed to the initialize function

Expand source code
class MountainCarHeuristicAgent(BaseAgent):
    Fixed deterministic policy for the OpenAI gym MountainCar-v0 environment.
    Adapted from the book 'Reinforcement Learning: Theory and Python Implementation':

    def initialize(self):
        Pass. Heuristic agents do not require any initialization."

    def step(self, state: torch.Tensor) -> np.ndarray:
        Find best action for the given state. Push right when satisfying a 
        certain condition; otherwise push left.

        state: torch.Tensor
            state tensor of size (batch_size, 2) with attributes 
            [position, velocity]
            discrete action of shape (batch_size, ) where 
            0 = push left, 1 = no push, 2 = push right
        actions = []
        positions, velocities = state[:, 0], state[:, 1]
        for (position, velocity) in zip(positions, velocities):
            lb = min(
                -0.09 * (position + 0.25) ** 2 + 0.03,
                0.3 * (position + 0.9) ** 4 - 0.008,
            ub = -0.07 * (position + 0.38) ** 2 + 0.07
            if lb < velocity < ub:
                action = 2  # push right
                action = 0  # push left
        return actions

    def update(self, batch: Dict[str, torch.Tensor]) -> Dict[str, float]:
        Pass. Heuristic agents do not update their agent policies.
        return {}



def initialize(self)

Pass. Heuristic agents do not require any initialization."

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def initialize(self):
    Pass. Heuristic agents do not require any initialization."
def step(self, state: torch.Tensor) ‑> numpy.ndarray

Find best action for the given state. Push right when satisfying a certain condition; otherwise push left.


state : torch.Tensor
state tensor of size (batch_size, 2) with attributes [position, velocity]


discrete action of shape (batch_size, ) where 0 = push left, 1 = no push, 2 = push right
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def step(self, state: torch.Tensor) -> np.ndarray:
    Find best action for the given state. Push right when satisfying a 
    certain condition; otherwise push left.

    state: torch.Tensor
        state tensor of size (batch_size, 2) with attributes 
        [position, velocity]
        discrete action of shape (batch_size, ) where 
        0 = push left, 1 = no push, 2 = push right
    actions = []
    positions, velocities = state[:, 0], state[:, 1]
    for (position, velocity) in zip(positions, velocities):
        lb = min(
            -0.09 * (position + 0.25) ** 2 + 0.03,
            0.3 * (position + 0.9) ** 4 - 0.008,
        ub = -0.07 * (position + 0.38) ** 2 + 0.07
        if lb < velocity < ub:
            action = 2  # push right
            action = 0  # push left
    return actions
def update(self, batch: Dict[str, torch.Tensor]) ‑> Dict[str, float]

Pass. Heuristic agents do not update their agent policies.

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def update(self, batch: Dict[str, torch.Tensor]) -> Dict[str, float]:
    Pass. Heuristic agents do not update their agent policies.
    return {}

Inherited members