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MITRE's Interval Management Sample Algorithm. An implementation of RTCA DO-361A Appendix C.

MITRE’s Interval Management Sample Algorithm


You should be familiar with the FAA’s Flight-deck Interval Management concept. To understand any of this content at a techincal level, you need to also have RTCA’s DO-361A, Appendix C.

The code is in this git repo. It doesn’t compile; that’s intentional. We are considering providing some unit tests.

MITRE is happy to answer questions; please post your questions publicly and we’ll gladly respond.

Good luck. :crossed_fingers: :four_leaf_clover:


This is the copyright work of The MITRE Corporation, and was produced for the U. S. Government under Contract Number DTFAWA-10-C-00080, and is subject to Federal Aviation Administration Acquisition Management System Clause 3.5-13, Rights In Data-General, Alt. III and Alt. IV (Oct. 1996). No other use other than that granted to the U. S. Government, or to those acting on behalf of the U. S. Government, under that Clause is authorized without the express written permission of The MITRE Corporation. For further information, please contact The MITRE Corporation, Contracts Office, 7515 Colshire Drive, McLean, VA 22102-7539, (703) 983-6000.

Copyright 2020 The MITRE Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Approved for Public Release; Distribution Unlimited. 15-1482

This project contains content developed by The MITRE Corporation. If this code is used in a deployment or embedded within another project, it is requested that you send an email to in order to let us know where this software is being used.


Apache 2.0

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Published Documentation

Official algorithm descriptions are available via RTCA’s DO-361A documentation (expected publication date Fall 2020). Please contact RTCA for more information.

Living Documentation

Living, developer-level documentation is provided on this GitHub site. Here the goal is to provide deeper detail regarding how our code works and how others might use this code to inform their own implementations of DO-361A. All topics assume the reader has access to DO-361A, specifically Appendix C.

Not seeing what you need to know about? Post an issue. We gladly prioritize specific requests. Thanks!

EUROCONTROL BADA Development – Necessary?

As discussed in the DevTalk documentation, this code uses EUROCONTROL’s BADA for aircraft performance data. However, our BADA functionality and code cannot be provided due to licensing restrictions imposed by EUROCONTROL.

Do you need BADA implemented to use this code base? Nope. Take a look at the BADA usage guide to get more details.

Directly related to this Sample Algorithm implementation is the FIM MOPS Aircraft Dynamics & Control Model. That code is a fully operational aircraft simulation the comes with compile instructions and passing unit tests. It is the core simulation that MITRE used to implement and test the Sample Algorithm control law discussed here.

(Table of Contents generated with markdown-toc)