This function wraps download_dependency and find_dependency. It will look to see if the dependency is already available in the local maven repository. If it is it will return the path. If it isn't then it will download the dependency and then return the path.

get_dependency_path(dep, group, version, mvn = find_mvn(), java_home)

get_dependency_jar(dep, group, version, mvn = find_mvn(), java_home)



Character. The dependency name. This could be the entire name (e.g., group:dependency:version) in which case the other inputs may be omitted. Otherwise it can be just the dependency name (i.e., the part in the middle of the above example).


Character. The maven artifact group name.


Character. The desired version of the dependency.


Character. The path the the maven installation.


Character. Path to java. If not provided the standard install paths (platform dependent) will be checked.