Installing InSpec on Windows
Install InSpec on Windows
Install Ruby
Go to and download and install the newest ruby that corresponds with your operating system, it will look like this: Ruby+Devkit x.x.x
- Make sure when installing that the two checkboxes are checked for
Add Ruby executables to your PATH
andAssociate .rb and .rbw files with this Ruby installation
- When installation is complete keep the last checkbox marked to perform ridk installation. Once console pops up and prompts you to interact then press
. When this is complete close the command prompt
Verify Ruby installation
- Open powershell
- type
$ ruby -v
, then press enter- if a ruby version is returned then ruby is properly installed
Verify Ruby Devkit installation
- Open powershell
- type
$ gem install json --platform=ruby
, then press enter- If the devkit is installed properly then this command will install the RubyGems library JSON gem.
Install InSpec
Option 1 (Download as a package)
The InSpec package is available for MacOS, RedHat, Ubuntu and Windows. Download the latest package at InSpec Downloads or install InSpec via script:
# Windows (PowerShell)
. { iwr -useb } | iex; install -project inspec
Option 2 (Download as a ruby gem)
- Open powershell
- type
$ gem install inspec
, then press enter
Option 3 (windows only)
Select the appropriate windows OS from the InSpec Download Site, download the appropriate installation (msi) and install.
Download additional required gems
- type
$ gem install bundler
, then press enter - type
$ gem install test-kitchen
, then press enter
After Install
Once InSpec is installed, run $ inspec version
to verify that the installation was successful.