Installing Act for Local GitHub Actions Testing

Act is a tool that allows you to run GitHub Actions workflows locally. This guide covers how to install and configure Act on different platforms.

Installation Options


Using Homebrew:

brew install act

Act will automatically use Docker Desktop on macOS. Make sure Docker Desktop is:

  1. Installed (Docker Desktop for Mac)
  2. Running before using Act
  3. Allocated sufficient resources (Memory: 4GB+ recommended)



Using the installation script:

curl | sudo bash

Or manually:

# Download the latest release
curl -s | \
  grep browser_download_url | \
  grep Linux_x86_64 | \
  cut -d '"' -f 4 | \
  wget -i - -O act.tar.gz

# Extract the binary
tar -xzf act.tar.gz act
chmod +x act

# Move to a directory in your PATH
sudo mv act /usr/local/bin/
rm act.tar.gz


Using DNF:

sudo dnf install act

Arch Linux

Using pacman or yay:

yay -S act


Using Chocolatey

choco install act-cli

Using Scoop

scoop install act

Manual Installation

  1. Download the latest Windows release from GitHub Releases
  2. Extract the zip file
  3. Add the extracted directory to your PATH


After installation, verify Act is properly installed:

act --version

You should see output showing the installed version of Act.


Create a .actrc file in your project root to configure Act:

# Example .actrc
-P ubuntu-latest=catthehacker/ubuntu:act-latest
-P ubuntu-22.04=catthehacker/ubuntu:act-22.04

Or use our provided .github/workflows/.actrc file, which is set up with recommended configurations.


Act requires:

  1. Docker installed and running
  2. Sufficient disk space for container images
  3. GitHub repository structure with workflows in .github/workflows/


Docker Issues

If you encounter Docker-related errors:

  • Ensure Docker is running: docker info
  • Check Docker permissions: Try running Act with sudo or add your user to the Docker group

Memory Issues

For large workflows that crash:

act -s GITHUB_TOKEN=<your-token> --job build --container-options="-m 4g"

Missing Secrets

If your workflow needs secrets:

act -s SECRET_NAME=secret_value

Further Resources

Next Steps

After installing Act, see Local Development for information on how to use our script to test GitHub Actions workflows.

macOS with Docker Desktop Specific Setup

Configuring Docker Desktop for Act

For optimal performance with Act on macOS:

  1. Open Docker Desktop
  2. Go to Settings (gear icon)
  3. Navigate to Resources:
    • Increase Memory to at least 4GB
    • Allocate at least 2-4 CPUs
    • Set Swap to at least 1GB
  4. Click Apply & Restart

M-series Chip Considerations

If you’re running on an Apple M-series (ARM) chip, you’ll need some additional configuration:

  1. Specify the architecture when running act:

    # For M-series MacBooks, running ARM architecture
    act --container-architecture linux/arm64
    # Or force x86_64 architecture (may be slower but more compatible)
    act --container-architecture linux/amd64
  2. Our test script already has this built in:

    # Run with arm64 architecture
    ./scripts/ -a arm64

Docker Socket and Permissions

Act requires access to the Docker socket. On macOS, this often requires special handling:

  1. Permission Issues:

    # If you see permission errors accessing Docker socket
    sudo chmod 666 /var/run/docker.sock
  2. Socket Location Issues:

    Docker Desktop on macOS uses a different socket location than the default Linux path. If you see socket-related errors, explicitly set the socket path:

    # Find your socket location
    docker context inspect | grep "SocketPath"
    # Use that socket path with act
    act --container-daemon-socket /Users/username/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/docker.sock
  3. Alternative Docker Socket Approach:

    You can also try mounting the socket directory when running act:

    # Create a directory for the Docker socket if it doesn't exist
    mkdir -p ~/.docker/run
    # Run act with a specific socket location
    act --bind -v ~/.docker/run:/var/run

Troubleshooting Docker Context

If you’re still having socket issues, check your Docker context:

# List available Docker contexts
docker context ls

# Ensure you're using the desktop-linux context
docker context use desktop-linux

Other macOS Troubleshooting Tips

  1. Performance Issues:
    • Ensure Docker Desktop has sufficient resources
    • Use the --cpu-profile-path flag to identify performance bottlenecks:

      act --cpu-profile-path
  2. Volume Mounting Issues:
    • Ensure Docker Desktop has access to the directories you’re working with
    • In Docker Desktop settings, check File Sharing / Resources > File sharing
    • Try running with the -b flag to bind working directory
  3. Certificate File Access:
    • Ensure certificate files have proper permissions (readable)
    • When creating files in scripts, use chmod 644 to ensure they’re readable
  4. Simplified Testing:
    • Use our -p (prepare only) flag to just set up the environment without running act:
    ./scripts/ -w build-test.yml -a arm64 -p
    • This will show you the exact command to run manually