Installing ComplianceAsCode Builder

This guide provides detailed instructions for installing the ComplianceAsCode Builder on your system.

Step 1: Clone the Repository

First, clone the repository to your local machine:

git clone
cd cac-builder

Step 2: Run the Setup Script

The setup script will prepare your environment and set up the necessary configuration:


Setup Options

The setup script accepts several options:

# For a minimal build (smaller size, build products on-demand)
./ --build-type minimal

# For a full build (pre-builds common products)
./ --build-type full

# To specify a custom CA certificate
./ --cert /path/to/your/ca-bundle.pem

# To add an extra organization certificate
./ --extra-cert /path/to/org-cert.pem

# To see all available options
./ --help

Step 3: Build the Docker Container

After setup, build the Docker container:

docker-compose build

This process may take several minutes depending on your internet connection and system performance as it downloads and installs all necessary components.

Step 4: Start the Container

Start the container in detached mode:

docker-compose up -d

Step 5: Verify Installation

Verify that the container is running:

docker ps

You should see the compliance-as-code container listed.

Step 6: Connect to the Container

Connect to the running container:

docker exec -it compliance-as-code bash

Once inside the container, you can verify the installation by checking the ComplianceAsCode version:

cd /content
git status

Troubleshooting Installation

If you encounter issues during installation:

  1. Check the troubleshooting guide
  2. Ensure Docker is running and you have sufficient permissions
  3. Review the setup script output for any error messages

Next Steps

Now that you’ve installed ComplianceAsCode Builder, you can proceed to:

  • Configure your environment
  • Build your first product