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Evaluating a user interface

Demodocus can be extended to evaluate any type of user interface for accessibility. The web interface was the first one developed, meant for evaluating web-based applications on the desktop or laptop. It is built into the demodocusfw library and will be used for examples throughout this documentation. Thus, the following docs are considered optional unless you want to extend demodocus to a new, non-web interface.

To extend demodocus to a new user interface, you will be defining:

NOTE: Many of these fields can be overwritten by your application. This may be necessary because there may be different users or data required for different evaluation contexts for a given interface. For the web interface, we were working in an accessibility that specifies User Abilities, User Models, and an EdgeMetrics that are specific to applications dealing with accessibility that use a web interface.

The Access Class

Create a class that inherits from demodocusfw.access.Access. It provides generic functions for querying and interacting with your user interface. You can think of it as a wrapper around your interface. When creating the Access class, you must answer two questions:

Interface states

A state is the configuration of content that could change if the user interacts with it. For instance, in a web application the state could be the document object model (DOM), which is interpreted by the browser to render a web page. The DOM determines the layout and appearance of the page. A change in the DOM usually corresponds with a perceptible change in content. The web state could also include information like the url of the page and any cookies on the user’s computer. These other fields may vary depending on the crawling context.

  1. Define a StateData class that inherits from demodocusfw.graph.state.StateData. Be sure it contains any data you need for identifying your state. Override the get_short_representation, get_full_representation, and get_output_representation functions. These are used for reporting and comparing states (see below for more about state comparisons). Also define get_output_fields, which is used to store fields of the state to the graph gml file.

  2. Override the _create_state_data function in your Access class. This should create and return a new StateData by observing the current state of your user interface. It will be called whenever your interface might have changed. Once this is filled in, you can access your interface’s current state data at any time by calling Access::get_state_data().

  3. Override the set_state_data function in your Access class. This accepts a StateData object as a parameter and updates the user interface to match it. It can also make modifications, injecting hidden code for example.

  4. Override the load function in your Access class. It accepts a resource locator, launch command, or other string and uses it to set the user interface to an initial state to begin crawling.

  5. Override the reset and reset_state functions. reset resets the access object so that it doesn’t have to be reloaded between crawls of different endpoints. reset_state is used to clear reset variables that may be associated with the current state of the access object.

As Demodocus builds its graph of the user interface, each state in the graph will contain a StateData describing the user interface in that state. You can access the StateData by referencing State::data.

NOTE: While the StateData for an interface may vary depending on the crawling context, the Access class and the functions implemented above should pertain to any context for a given interface. It’s helpful to build a generic StateData for the interface, and then overwrite fields for different contexts.

Interface elements

An element is the smallest unit in an interface that the user can interact with. For WebAccess, an element is roughly equivalent to an html DOM element like a button or checkbox. You need a way to uniquely identify your element so it can be located on the interface. Web elements for example can be located with an xpath or css query string.

Define an Element class that inherits from demodocusfw.access.Access.Element. Be sure it contains a way to locate your element in the interface as well as any other element-specific information you want to store. Override the get_short_representation and get_full_representation functions. These are used for reporting and comparing elements.

There is no standard way to extract elements from your interface for processing. As you determine your requirements you’ll add whatever functions you need to your Access class for getting elements. These functions should all return objects of type Element as you defined above.

NOTE: It is very unlikely for an interface Element class to vary for different contexts, so it is programmed as a private class to the Access class.

Interface edges

When traversing from one state to another, the crawler is able to record information that describes how it made that traversal, which we store in an EdgeMetrics object. Some fields like ability_score (and its sub-scores) are tracked in the generic implementation of EdgeMetrics, while others may only apply to specific interfaces or contexts. More information about the ability_score, which is the high-level result of the difficulty of making this state traversal, can be found on the User Models page.

NOTE: There are other fields that may be worth tracking, depending on the context, such as the distance the user had to navigate in order to reach the element they wanted to track. Just like the advice for implementing a StateData, it’s helpful to build a generic EdgeMetrics for the interface, and then overwrite fields for different crawling contexts.


Defining Actions

Now that you’ve defined the structure and representation of your user interface, you need to think about what user actions it can support. Elements on most graphical desktop interfaces, for example, will respond to mouse clicks and key presses. In web browsers, mousing over or tabbing to an element can also change page content. You want to capture any kind of action that could result in a state change.

After defining your actions, be sure to add them to your Access class’s actions set by overriding Access._initialize_actions.

To define an Action, inherit from demodocusfw.action.Action and override the following members:

Advanced Actions

If you decide you need an action that does more than click an element, you can instead override _execute_advanced(access, user, element). This function attempts to interact with the interface as a user would and returns a value between 0 and 1 indicating how well it succeeded, where 0 means the user would not or could not complete this action and 1 means the action is trivial for this user perform.

When do you need an advanced Action?

  1. If you need to interact with multiple elements.
  2. If you need to perform a number of steps or a combination of actions before deciding whether content has changed.
  3. If the “easiness” of completing the action is dependent on a combination of factors.

NOTE: It is very unlikely for an interface Action class to vary for different crawling contexts.


You want the user to select a menu option, then dismiss any confirmation boxes that appear. You want the easiness of completing the action to take into account the number of boxes that had to be dismissed, something like:

total ease = (ease of selecting menu option) * (1/number of confirmation boxes)

You would accomplish this by overriding _execute_advanced. In your implementation you would query the user to find the ease of selecting the menu option, then tally and dismiss any confirmation boxes.


Having defined what an element is in your interface and the various actions that can be performed upon elements, the next step is to define your users. As described in the users documentation, UserModels refer to UserAbilitys, which refer to Actions.

User Abilities

A UserAbility describes a channel or medium available to a user for interacting with an interface. Common examples you may decide to implement are the MouseAbility and the KeyboardAbility (for performing actions on elements), and a Full-Vision or Low-Vision Ability (for perceiving elements). UserAbilitys can calculate scores for perceiving, navigating to, and acting on elements. When defining a UserAbility, you may implement any of the following members.

Abilities focused on perceiving elements will override the following:

Abilities focused on activating elements will override the following:

NOTE: UserAbilitys should be customized for different app_contexts in order to track intermediate data through the EdgeMetrics object. See the code in demodocusfw/web/accessibility/ for the web interface / accessibility context.

Defining users

A user is defined by instantiating the UserModel class. It expects a name and a set of UserAbilitys.

vision_ability = VisionAbility()
keyboard_ability = KeyboardAbility()
mouse_ability = MouseAbility()
user1 = UserModel('User1', [vision_ability, keyboard_ability, mouse_ability])

NOTE: Similar to how UserAbilitys should be customized for different app_contexts, UserModels should be as well.

Advanced action calculations with users

When filling in _execute_advanced(access, user, element), you can of course call any functions you’ve defined in your Access class and Element class to perform your calculations, as well as the following functions on the user (see below for more details):

State comparisons

When deciding how to compare states, you can ask Would the user care about this change? Let’s say you move the mouse over a button and it changes from blue to yellow. This change didn’t result in any new information, so it probably shouldn’t be considered a distinct state. In contrast, if you mouse over a button and text appears, this new informational content is probably important for the user. That is, we want to know how easy it would be for the user to access this content. Therefore the mouse-over text should be treated as a separate state, and we need a comparison function that will be able to distinguish it from the previous state.

One comparison function (called a Comparator) has been provided in demodocusfw.comparator.StrictComparator. StrictComparator does a string-equals operation on the full representations of two StateDatas, after stripping whitespace and semicolons. Notice that it inherits from BaseComparator and has a match function that accepts the two StateData full representations and returns True or False. You can use this as an example for making whatever Comparators are needed for your interface.

These will be put together in the configuration file (see below). You will create a compare pipeline, which defines a sequence for your comparators. For each comparator you specify one of the following:

If the pipeline finishes without having exited early, it returns the result of the last comparator in the pipeline.

NOTE: Comparators can be customized for different contexts. To do this, simply code the customized Comparator code as needed, and import it accordingly in the config.


The last step is to create your own configuration file. Specify the new classes you just created, as well as any new configuration parameters expected by your Access class. Below is an example from a web config.

from demodocusfw.config.mode_default import *
from demodocusfw.web.user import OmniUser
from demodocusfw.web.web_access import ChromeWebAccess

# Access specification - Fill in these after you have defined your Access class and Users.

# Specify your Access class which overrides interfaces/
ACCESS_CLASS = ChromeWebAccess
# Which UserModel should be the one building the graph?
BUILD_USER = WebOmniUser

# Web-specific parameters

# Make webdriver browser instance invisible to crawler users?
# Default True (invisible). Note that when HEADLESS == False, a browser
# window will open for every active thread.


On top of that, we have a config for context-specific classes and fields. Below is an example from an accessibility config:

from .mode_web import *

from demodocusfw.comparator import StrictComparator, CompareFlag
from demodocusfw.web.accessibility.edge import AccessibilityEdgeMetrics
from demodocusfw.web.accessibility.user import VizKeyUser, VizMouseKeyUser, \
    SuperVizMouseKeyUser, LowVizMouseKeyUser
from demodocusfw.web.comparator import DOMStructureComparator, \
    TextComparator as WebTextComparator

# Accessibility AppContext-specific parameters
# Which UserModels should attempt to crawl the graph built by OmniUser?
CRAWL_USERS = [VizKeyUser, VizMouseKeyUser,
               SuperVizMouseKeyUser, LowVizMouseKeyUser]

# Comparator pipelines
    # Pipeline: pair of (Comparator, CompareFlags)
    # The CompareFlags tell us whether we can stop testing based on the match result.
    (StrictComparator(),          CompareFlag.STOP_IF_TRUE),
    (DOMStructureComparator(),    CompareFlag.STOP_IF_FALSE),
    (WebTextComparator(),         CompareFlag.STOP_IF_FALSE)

# Class to store data for a state traversal. Defaulted to the interface, but
# can be overwritten for a specific app_context
EDGE_METRICS = AccessibilityEdgeMetrics

Run Demodocus using this new mode and pass a launch_string handled by your Access::load function. It will launch and crawl the user interface as you’ve defined it, evaluating its accessibility for each of the users specified.

python <url_or_other_launch_string> --mode <my_mode>