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Running Crawls

Command-line options

To start the crawler from the command line, serve up your copy of the sandbox (see, and note the port in case you need to change it), then give a URL, command, or other “entry point” specific to your type of interface to start crawling:

% python

You can also pass a file with a list of entry points, one per line, to crawl:

% python -i my-list-of-urls.txt

Logging options include -d or --debug for debug-level or -v or --verbose for info-level output. Default logging is defined in the configuration module as LOG_LEVEL.

The crawl output directory may be passed as a runtime option using --output_dir. This value is also set by default in the configuration file as OUTPUT_DIR.

Configuration options

To see the browser in action during crawling, set the configuration variable HEADLESS to False. This is True by default because seeing multiple browsers pop up and run autonomously should only happen when you are you sure you want it to happen.

By default, the crawler will use all available user models. You can specify a subset with the configuration option USER_TYPES.

By default, the crawler will generate a report directory under builds/crawls with timestamp-based name. In that directory will be a crawl log file, a crawl metrics file, a directory for every crawled entry point with state/edge GML, a states directory containing contents of every state visited from the entry point, a screenshots directory containing PNG screenshots of every state visited from the entry point, and an accessibility analysis report in Markdown. The state identifiers should match what is listed in the top-level crawl metrics file.

The default is to generate all these outputs, but you can specify generating only some of these reports. For example, to generate only the crawl metrics and GML files (no DOM, no analysis), use REPORTS:

REPORTS = ['metrics', 'gml']

To capture a screenshot of every distinct state, which will be stored in a directory called screenshots within the output directory, set SCREENSHOTS = True.

To add a delay when new states are found to make it easier to demonstrate the work Demodocus is doing, set DELAY to a value in seconds. Note: this probably only makes sense when using HEADLESS = False. The default is 0 for no delay.

By default, the crawler is single-threaded. To use multiple threads, set NUM_THREADS to an integer value greater than 1 (the default). Four seems to be a good balance point for most desktop-class machines; this is common enough that we have a built-in configuration mode for it:

% python --mode demodocusfw.config.mode_fourthreads

Multithreading works with a separate MultiController. Both this and the single-threaded Controller call up visited states by setting them directly into the browser with document.write. If you want to use MultiController with only one thread, set MULTI to True without changing NUM_THREADS.

If NUM_THREADS is set to a value greater than 1, there is no need to add MULTI, but it shouldn’t cause problems if you do, as the crawler checks both values.

Reduced Crawls

An exhaustive crawl of a webpage with many elements can be time intensive, which is impractical if quick results are needed. In addition, an exhaustive crawl produces many states, which can be distracting for the non-expert user. Specifying REDUCED_CRAWL = True in the config addresses this challenge. In a reduced crawl, when the crawler explores a state, it only explores content that it knows has changed from the previous state.

For an example of what is saved / lost in a reduced crawl, consider an example with 4 independently expandable list items. In a reduced crawl, the crawler expands and then collapses each list item in turn, but it does not try to expand multiple list items at once. This reduces combinatorial explosion of considering all permutations of the list items being expanded as seperate states. The reduced graph and full graph are shown below.

Reduced graph:

Reduced Graph

Full graph:

Full Graph

Analyzing Accessibility

The crawler module will automatically analyze the graphs for each UserModel and recommend accessibility improvements. See Analysis for more information on the analysis of a crawl.

If you wish to re-run just the analysis on a page that has already been successfully crawled, utilize util_scripts/ The output directory containing the crawled results (where the states/ folder and full_graph.gml are stored) is required. Similar to, you can also specify the configuration used (--mode), which should be the same as the configuration used to crawl. Other flags are also preserved: -d or --debug for debug-level, -v or --verbose for info-level output. This can be very useful if you want to make changes to the analysis code. Below is an example:

% python ./util_scripts/ --mode demodocusfw.config.mode_accessibility_vision_users_tall build/crawls/20200304T135605Z

Comparing Multiple Crawls

The util_scripts/ script cherry-picks summary data and statistics from a list of crawls and outputs them to one .csv file for easy analysis. You must specify a path that contains all of the separate output directories or a .txt file that specifies one output path per line. Use the -o argument to specify the filepath of the output .csv from this script, or rely on the default that places aggregated_metrics.csv in the current directory. Below is an example:

% python ./util_scripts/ build/crawls -o other/dir/for/data_for_crawls.csv

Below is a data dictionary for the values found in the aggregated_metrics.csv: