Questions & Contributions

Problems or questions?

If you believe you have found an error on this website or have a question, please open an issue here. You will need to sign up for a (free) GitHub account if you don’t already have one.

How this website works

This website is generated with software called Quarto, which is “an open-source scientific and technical publishing system.” It takes files written in Markdown, which can include R and Python code, and renders this content into web pages.

While editing, your computer can create a local preview so you can see how the Markdown files will look when published. For more information on editing, see the next section.

Publishing content is done via the project’s GitHub repository. If you are not familiar with git and GitHub, GitHub’s “Get started” documentation and the git book are good resources for getting started.

The project’s GitHub repository automatically publishes the latest content from the main branch to via this GitHub Action. It takes around 10 minutes for changes to be published.

Editing this website

Anyone with a free GitHub account may suggest changes to the website by editing a page via GitHub’s website and creating a pull request.

If you wish to edit locally on your computer, you may wish to use the RStudio IDE, which natively supports Quarto. RStudio also provides a visual Markdown editor, which may be easier to use than editing raw Markdown. More information on setting up a local environment is found in the README file on GitHub. The Quarto website also has instructions for using RStudio.


Setup instructions for local editing are available for Mac and Winodws.

Contributions are welcomed, and once they are merged in they will be published under this website’s open source license.

Please review the Style Guide before contributing.

Customizing this website

This website is made available under an open source license, and can be modified for your own purposes as long as the terms of the license are followed.

You can customize this website by forking the repository on GitHub. This will create a linked copy of the existing website under your own GitHub account. You can then modify the content, and (optionally) contribute your changes back to the parent repository via a pull request. Enhancements or corrections to the content of this website are welcomed!

The modules on this website are intended to be relatively stand-alone, allowing them to be extracted for topic-specific training or other purposes.