3. Practice the Fundamentals
3. Revisiting the NGINX Web Server InSpec Profile
In the first course, we wrote, ran, and analyzed results of an InSpec profile made up of controls. Let's recap this process with some practice.
3.1 The Requirements
3.1.1 NGINX Configuration
InSpec profiles are a set of automated tests that relate back to a security requirements benchmark, so the controls are always motivated by the requirements. Let's review a few requirements for an NGINX web server.
- NGINX version 1.10.3 or later.
- The following NGINX modules should be installed:
- The NGINX configuration file -
- should:- be owned by the
user and group. - not be readable, writeable, or executable by others.
- be owned by the
3.2 The Target
3.2.1 An NGINX Web Server
InSpec is a framework which is used to validate the security configuration of a certain target. In this case, we are interested in validating that an NGINX server complies with our 3 requirements.
First let's find our nginx container id using the docker ps
docker ps
Which will return something like:
β course git:(master) β docker ps
d4bcef5bb9e3 nginx:latest "/docker-entrypoint.β¦" 23 seconds ago Up 22 seconds 80/tcp nifty_shtern
4f0ceb9b5974 nginx:latest "/docker-entrypoint.β¦" 2 months ago Up 45 seconds>80/tcp nginx
We can then use the container id of our nginx container to target the inspec validation scans at that container.
3.3 The Controls
Run the following command to initialize your InSpec profile for testing NGINX.
inspec init profile my_nginx
3.3.1 Version
control 'nginx-version' do
impact 1.0
title 'NGINX version'
desc 'The required version of NGINX should be installed.'
describe nginx do
its('version') { should cmp >= '1.10.3' }
3.3.2 Installed Modules
control 'nginx-modules' do
impact 1.0
title 'NGINX modules'
desc 'The required NGINX modules should be installed.'
describe nginx do
its('modules') { should include 'http_ssl' }
its('modules') { should include 'stream_ssl' }
its('modules') { should include 'mail_ssl' }
3.3.3 File Permissions
control 'nginx-conf' do
impact 1.0
title 'NGINX configuration'
desc 'The NGINX config file should owned by root, be writable only by owner, and not writeable or and readable by others.'
describe file('/etc/nginx/nginx.conf') do
it { should be_owned_by 'root' }
it { should be_grouped_into 'root' }
it { should_not be_readable.by('others') }
it { should_not be_writable.by('others') }
it { should_not be_executable.by('others') }
3.4 Running the Controls
Run inspec exec
on the target.
$ inspec exec /root/my_nginx -t docker://DOCKER_CONTAINER_ID
This will ouput:
Profile: InSpec Profile (my_nginx)
Version: 0.1.0
Target: docker://DOCKER_CONTAINER_ID
β nginx-version: NGINX version
β Nginx Environment version should cmp >= "1.10.3"
β nginx-modules: NGINX version
β Nginx Environment modules should include "http_ssl"
β Nginx Environment modules should include "stream_ssl"
β Nginx Environment modules should include "mail_ssl"
Γ nginx-conf: NGINX configuration (1 failed)
β File /etc/nginx/nginx.conf should be owned by "root"
β File /etc/nginx/nginx.conf should be grouped into "root"
Γ File /etc/nginx/nginx.conf should not be readable by others
expected File /etc/nginx/nginx.conf not to be readable by others
β File /etc/nginx/nginx.conf should not be writable by others
β File /etc/nginx/nginx.conf should not be executable by others
Profile Summary: 2 successful controls, 1 control failure, 0 controls skipped
Test Summary: 8 successful, 1 failure, 0 skipped
3.5 Reporting Results
In the first class, we mentioned that you can specify an InSpec reporter to indicate the format in which you desire the results.
If you want to read the results on the command line as well as save them in a JSON file, you can run this command.
$ inspec exec /root/my_nginx --reporter cli json:path/to/output.json -t docker://DOCKER_CONTAINER_ID
3.6 Visualizing Results
You can use this output file to upload and visualize your results in Heimdall.