# Install InSpec on Linux

# Option 1 (Package installer)

The InSpec package is available for MacOS, RedHat, Ubuntu and Windows. Download the latest package at InSpec Downloads (opens new window) or install InSpec via script:

# RedHat, Ubuntu, and macOS
$ curl https://omnitruck.chef.io/install.sh | sudo bash -s -- -P inspec

# Option 2 (Terminal install)

Another option is to install InSpec via a command line:

# 1. Install Ruby

When installing from source, gem dependencies may require ruby build tools to be installed.

For CentOS/RedHat/Fedora:
$ yum -y install ruby ruby-devel make gcc gcc-c++

For Debian/Ubuntu:
$ apt-get -y install ruby ruby-dev gcc g++ make

# 2. Installing InSpec

Now we’re on to the good stuff. Let’s install InSpec:

To install inspec from rubygems:
$ gem install inspec

# 3. Installing additional gems

Install the following gems:

$ gem install bundler
$ gem install test-kitchen

# After Install

Once InSpec is installed, run inspec version to verify that the installation was successful.