# Install InSpec on Windows

# Install Ruby

Go to https://rubyinstaller.org/downloads/ (opens new window) and download and install the newest ruby that corresponds with your operating system, it will look like this: Ruby+Devkit x.x.x.

  • Make sure when installing that the two checkboxes are checked for Add Ruby executables to your PATH and Associate .rb and .rbw files with this Ruby installation
  • When installation is complete keep the last checkbox marked to perform ridk installation. Once console pops up and prompts you to interact then press enter. When this is complete close the command prompt

# Verify Ruby installation

  • Open powershell
  • type $ ruby -v, then press enter
    • if a ruby version is returned then ruby is properly installed

# Verify Ruby Devkit installation

  • Open powershell
  • type $ gem install json --platform=ruby, then press enter
    • If the devkit is installed properly then this command will install the RubyGems library JSON gem.

# Install InSpec

# Option 1 (Download as a package)

The InSpec package is available for MacOS, RedHat, Ubuntu and Windows. Download the latest package at InSpec Downloads (opens new window) or install InSpec via script:

# Windows
. { iwr -useb https://omnitruck.chef.io/install.ps1 } | iex; install -project inspec

# Option 2 (Download as a ruby gem)

  • Open powershell
  • type $ gem install inspec, then press enter

# Download additional required gems

  • type $ gem install bundler, then press enter
  • type $ gem install test-kitchen, then press enter

# After Install

Once InSpec is installed, run $ inspec version to verify that the installation was successful.