13. InSpec Exercise - RedHat
13.1 RedHat Example
Now it's time to put what you have learned to the test. Can you use the NGINX example to form an InSpec command for the RedHat8 docker container that is running in the Codespace environment and add it to Heimdall? We will not harden this container, just do the validation and visualization.
Try to do the following:
- Find the profile to run - reference the SAF validate page
- Form the InSpec command using the formula from section 6
- Tip: Create an informative name for your output file
- (Optionally) explore some inputs and create an input file
- Tip: You can make this a new name so you do not overwrite the previous input file
- Tip: You can reference the README for a section on Tailoring to Your Environment
- Run the InSpec command
- Download the results file
- Add your results to your uploads in Heimdall. Toggle off comparison view and select the RedHat8 in the top left menu.