11. Verifying Results With The SAF CLI
At this point we have a much more mature workflow file. We have one more activity we need to do -- verification, or checking that the output of our validation run met our expectations.
Note that "meeting our expectations" does not automatically mean that there are no failing tests. In many real-world use cases, security tests fail, but the software is still considered worth the risk to deploy because of mitigations for that risk, or perhaps the requirement is inapplicable due to the details of the deployment. With that said, we still want to run our tests to make sure we are continually collecting data; we just don't want our pipeline to halt if it finds a test that we were always expecting to fail.
By default, the InSpec executable returns a code 100 if any tests in a profile run fail. Pipeline orchestrators, like most software, interpret any non-zero return code as a serious failure, and will halt the pipeline run accordingly unless we explicitly tell it to ignore errors. This is why the "VALIDATE - Run InSpec" step has the continue-on-error: true
attribute specified.
Our goal is to complete our InSpec scan, collect the result as a report file, and then parse that file to determine if we met our own threshold of security. We can do this with the SAF CLI.
The SAF CLI is one the tool that the SAF supports to help automate security validation. It is our "kitchen-sink" utility for pipelines. If you took the SAF User Class, you are already familiar with the SAF CLI's attestation function.
This tool was installed alongside InSpec when you ran the ./build-lab.sh
script. For general installation instructions, see the first link in the above paragraph.
SAF CLI Capabilities
Some SAF CLI capabilities are listed in this diagram, but you can see all of them on the SAF CLI documentation.
In addition to the documentation site, you can view the SAF CLI's capabilities by running:
saf help
The MITRE Security Automation Framework (SAF) Command Line Interface (CLI) brings together applications, techniques, libraries, and tools developed by MITRE and the security community to streamline security automation for systems and DevOps pipelines
@mitre/saf/1.2.5 linux-x64 node-v16.19.0
$ saf [COMMAND]
attest [Attest] Attest to 'Not Reviewed' control requirements (that can’t be tested automatically by security tools and hence require manual review), helping to
account for all requirements
convert [Normalize] Convert security results from all your security tools between common data formats
emasser [eMASS] The eMASS REST API implementation
generate [Generate] Generate pipeline thresholds, configuration files, and more
harden [Harden] Implement security baselines using Ansible, Chef, and Terraform content: Visit https://saf.mitre.org/#/harden to explore and run hardening scripts
plugins List installed plugins.
scan [Scan] Scan to get detailed security testing results: Visit https://saf.mitre.org/#/validate to explore and run inspec profiles
supplement [Supplement] Supplement (ex. read or modify) elements that provide contextual information in the Heimdall Data Format results JSON file such as `passthrough` or
validate [Validate] Verify pipeline thresholds
view [Visualize] Identify overall security status and deep-dive to solve specific security defects
convert The generic convert command translates any supported file-based security results set into the Heimdall Data Format
harden Visit https://saf.mitre.org/#/harden to explore and run hardening scripts
heimdall Run an instance of Heimdall Lite to visualize your data
help Display help for saf.
plugins List installed plugins.
scan Visit https://saf.mitre.org/#/validate to explore and run inspec profiles
summary Get a quick compliance overview of an HDF file
You can get more information on a specific topic by running:
saf [TOPIC] -h
Updating the Workflow File
Let's add two steps to our pipeline to use the SAF CLI to understand our InSpec scan results before we verify them against a threshold.
- name: VERIFY - Display our results summary
uses: mitre/saf_action@v1
command_string: "view summary -i results/pipeline_run.json"
- name: VERIFY - Ensure the scan meets our results threshold
uses: mitre/saf_action@v1 # check if the pipeline passes our defined threshold
command_string: "validate threshold -i results/pipeline_run.json -F threshold.yml"
after adding verify stepsname: Demo Security Validation Gold Image Pipeline
branches: [main] # trigger this action on any push to main branch
name: Gold Image NGINX
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
CHEF_LICENSE: accept # so that we can use InSpec without manually accepting the license
PROFILE: my_nginx # path to our profile
- name: PREP - Update runner # updating all dependencies is always a good start
run: sudo apt-get update
- name: PREP - Install InSpec executable
run: curl https://omnitruck.chef.io/install.sh | sudo bash -s -- -P inspec -v 5
- name: PREP - Check out this repository # because that's where our profile is!
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: LINT - Run InSpec Check # double-check that we don't have any serious issues in our profile code
run: inspec check $PROFILE
- name: DEPLOY - Run a Docker container from nginx
run: docker run -dit --name nginx nginx:latest
- name: DEPLOY - Install Python for our nginx container
run: |
docker exec nginx apt-get update -y
docker exec nginx apt-get install -y python3
- name: HARDEN - Fetch Ansible role
run: |
git clone --branch docker https://github.com/mitre/ansible-nginx-stigready-hardening.git || true
chmod 755 ansible-nginx-stigready-hardening
- name: HARDEN - Fetch Ansible requirements
run: ansible-galaxy install -r ansible-nginx-stigready-hardening/requirements.yml
- name: HARDEN - Run Ansible hardening
run: ansible-playbook --inventory=nginx, --connection=docker ansible-nginx-stigready-hardening/hardening-playbook.yml
- name: VALIDATE - Run InSpec
continue-on-error: true # we dont want to stop if our InSpec run finds failures, we want to continue and record the result
run: |
inspec exec $PROFILE \
--input-file=$PROFILE/inputs.yml \
--target docker://nginx \
--reporter cli json:results/pipeline_run.json
- name: VALIDATE - Save Test Result JSON # save our results to the pipeline artifacts, even if the InSpec run found failing tests
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
path: results/pipeline_run.json
- name: VERIFY - Display our results summary
uses: mitre/saf_action@v1
command_string: "view summary -i results/pipeline_run.json"
- name: VERIFY - Ensure the scan meets our results threshold
uses: mitre/saf_action@v1 # check if the pipeline passes our defined threshold
command_string: "validate threshold -i results/pipeline_run.json -F threshold.yml"
A few things to note here:
- Both steps are using the SAF CLI GitHub Action. This way, we don't need to install it directly on the runner; we can just pass in the command string.
- We added the
step because it will print us a concise summary inside the pipeline job view itself. That command takes one file argument; the results file we want to summarize. - The
validate threshold
command, however, needs two files -- one is our report file as usual, and the other is a threshold file.
Threshold Files
Threshold files are what we use to define what "passing" means for our pipeline, since like we said earlier, it's more complicated than failing the pipeline on a failed test.
Consider the following sample threshold file:
# threshold.yml file
min: 80
min: 1
max: 2
This file specifies that we require a minimum of 80% of the tests to pass. We also specify that at least one of them should pass, and that at maximum two of them can fail.
Threshold Files Options
To make more specific or detailed thresholds, check out this documentation on generating theshold files.
NOTE: You can name the threshold file something else or put it in a different location. We specify the name and location only for convenience.
This is a sample pipeline, so we are not too worried about being very stringent. For now, let's settle for running the pipeline with no errors (that is, as long as each test runs, we do not care if it passed or failed, but a source code error should still fail the pipeline).
Create a new file called threshold.yml
in the main directory to specify the threshold for acceptable test results:
max: 0
How could we change this threshold file to ensure that the pipeline run will fail?
And with that, we have a complete pipeline file. Let's commit our changes and see what happens.
git add .github
git commit -s -m "finishing the pipeline"
git push origin main
$> git add .
$> git commit -s -m "finishing the pipeline"
[main e796abd] finishing the pipeline
2 files changed, 14 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
create mode 100644 threshold.yml
$> git push origin main
Enumerating objects: 10, done.
Counting objects: 100% (10/10), done.
Delta compression using up to 2 threads
Compressing objects: 100% (3/3), done.
Writing objects: 100% (6/6), 720 bytes | 720.00 KiB/s, done.
Total 6 (delta 2), reused 1 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (2/2), completed with 2 local objects.
To https://github.com/wdower/saf-training-lab-environment
c4d9c67..e796abd main -> main
Let's hop back to our browser and take a look at the output:

There we go! All validation tests passed!
Note in the SAF CLI Summary step, we get a simple YAML output summary of the InSpec scan:

We see five critical tests (remember how we set them all to impact 1.0
?) passing, and no failures:
- profileName: my_nginx
- pipeline_run.json
compliance: 100
critical: 5
high: 0
medium: 0
low: 0
total: 5
critical: 0
high: 0
medium: 0
low: 0
total: 0
critical: 0
high: 0
medium: 0
low: 0
total: 0
critical: 0
high: 0
medium: 0
low: 0
total: 0
none: 0
total: 0
Note also that our test report is avaiable as an artifact from the overall pipeline run summary view now:

From here, we can download that file and drop it off in somehting like Heimdall or feed into some other security process at our leisure (or we can add a pipeline step to do that for us!).
In a real use case, if our pipeline passed, we would next save our bonafide hardened image to a secure registry where it could be distributed to developers. If the pipeline did not pass, we would have already collected data describing why, in the form of InSpec scan reports that we save as artifacts.