Chatbot Accessibility Playbook

Recommendation 4.2.10:
All non-decorative images, graphics, and icons need alt-text or text descriptions

Benefits Users

Icon for VisualIcon for CognitiveVisual | Cognitive

Icon for StandardRelevant W3C Guidance

Phase 1: Gather & Organize

Icon for Read MoreRead More

Phase 2: Design & Implement

Icon for TipTip

  • Remember that all visual media should have alt-text

  • Use tooltips on images or icons if they serve as an interactive element to describe what the element will do.

Phase 3: Test & Evaluate

Icon for Self CheckSelf Check

  • All images and icons have AT-compatible alt-text

Icon for Ask the UserAsk the User

  • Do you understand all visual communication? If you used AT, did you understand the device’s interpretation of visual communication?

    • This question could be subjective or objective. This question can be asked mid-study or post-study.
