Chatbot Accessibility Playbook

Recommendation 4.3.3:
Ensure the user can navigate to all chatbot content and interactive elements using the keyboard

Benefits Users

Icon for VisualIcon for CognitiveIcon for PhysicalVisual | Cognitive | Physical

Icon for StandardRelevant W3C Guidance

Phase 1: Gather & Organize

Icon for Read MoreRead More

  • W3C has a guide to keyboard navigation.

  • Nielsen Norman group has a guide to keyboard navigation.

Phase 2: Design & Implement

Icon for TipTip

  • Make sure all buttons for user response options are keyboard accessible

Icon for ExamplesExamples

  • Response option buttons

  • Conversation history

  • Conversation or interface settings

  • Links, rich media, or other interactive elements within message text.

Phase 3: Test & Evaluate

Icon for Self CheckSelf Check

  • All interactive elements of the chatbot can be accessed via keyboard

  • The conversation history can be accessed using keyboard navigation

  • When offering options to the user, the option buttons can be accessed and selected with the keyboard

Icon for Ask the UserAsk the User

  • Can you easily access everything you need on the chatbot with the keyboard?

    • This question is subjective; use a Likert scale. This question can be asked mid-study or post-study.


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