Chatbot Accessibility Playbook

Recommendation 4.4.10:
Don't let the chatbot compormise the accessibility of the host website

Benefits Users

Icon for VisualIcon for CognitiveVisual | Cognitive

Phase 1: Gather & Organize

Icon for See AlsoSee Also

Phase 2: Design & Implement

Icon for AntipatternAntipattern

  • The chatbot should not cover navigation buttons on the host website, or if it does, should be moveable or minimizable by keyboard navigation. Work with the development team to make both website and chatbot functionality accessible.

Phase 3: Test & Evaluate

Icon for Self CheckSelf Check

  • Can users access all website content and interactive elements via keyboard navigation after the chatbot has been activated?

Icon for TestingTesting

  • Repeat any accessibility testing that the website development team uses on the host website after the chatbot has been added.